The initial struggle against colonial rule in Mozambique began in 1920’s. These movements took the form of welfare association e.g. Associa Africano (African association) which was formed to protect African rights. 

In 1930’s another African movement against colonial rule was, Insute Negrofilo (The Institute of Neglo Friends), later it changed its name to the Centro Associative Dos Negros De Mozambique (The associative centre of Mozambique) it had the similar aims with the former associations.


African political parties were formed in exile, because they were not allowed to operate in Mozambique. In 1960, national democratic union of Mozambique (UDEMANO) was formed in Zimbabwe. In 1961, Mozambique African national was formed in Kenya and African union of independent Mozambique (UNAMI) was formed in Nyasaland. 

In 1962, all headquarters in Dar es salaam of all these parties united together to form FRELIMO (the front party for the liberation of Mozambique under the president Eduardo and his deputy president Samora Machel). In 1964, FRELIMO crossed into Mozambique and this was the beginning of FRELIMO’s military operations in Mozambique. 

On 3rd February 1969, the Portuguese assassinated president Eduardo Mondlane, in Dar es Salaam by a parcel bomb. This was a setback to FRELIMO’S advance. From 1970’s FRELIMO was led by Samora Machel. In 1974, FRELIMO managed to control one third of the country. In September 1974, it was agreed that Mozambique would became independent in peace talk meeting between FRELIMO and the Portugal government in Lusaka, Zambia.

The Independence Day proposed was on 25th January 1975, whereby the transitional government was set. It consisted six FRELIMO ministers and three ministers appointed by Portuguese. The final step towards independence was hindered by violent resistance from the Portuguese settler. But they were crushed by joint military of FRELIMO and the Portuguese government. 

This made Portuguese settler to escape to south Africa. Mozambique became independent on 15th June 1975 under Samora Machel as the first president.


i. Assassination of African leaders. Nationalist were killed e.g. Edward Mandale in 1969. This brought a partial setback to FRELIMO and destabilization in liberation movement in Mozambique. This also catalyzed the war against Portuguese.

ii. The nature of Portuguese colonialists. Portugal was the poorest country in Europe. She therefore heavily depended on her colonies. Granting independence was like committing economic suicide. Hence, Africa ns had to fight to uproot them by force.

iii. Banning of political parties. This was done in 1950’s when all political parties formed were not allowed to operate in Mozambique. The only way to fight. Since African had no political association to express their interest to the colonial government. E.g FRELIMO had to operate from exile in Dar-es-salaam.

iv. Presence of settlers in Mozambique, Mozambique was a settler colony, the settlers had invested much in Mozambique and were not ready to leave the colony peacefully, Fertile land was taken by Prazeires (Portuguese settlers) and capitalist companies. Africans were sent to the over-crowded reserves. This situation angered the Africans to fight against the Portuguese.

Crown colony. Portuguese regarded Mozambique as their abroad province. So, the Portuguese were not ready to grant independence to the people of Mozambique.

v. Portugal believed that it had an ever-lasting civilization mission in Africa, hence they were not prepared to leave the colony therefore the only way to get independence was through bloodshed.

vi. Many Portuguese were ignorant. Most Europeans nations changed their way of exploitation (colonialism) to Neo – Colonialism. Since the Portuguese were short sighted in their thinking they never thought to give independence to their colonies. Hence armed struggle was created to outlaw them. Therefore, the combination of all these reasons contributed much to the rise of armed struggle in Mozambique.

Problems faced Mozambique during the struggle for independence

1. Disunity among Africans. There were some political parties which wanted to fight for independence alone. Example the Makonde Africa n Union National Unity (MANU). This wanted to fight for independence for the Makonde only.

2. Shortage of fund. Africa n had no enough fund that had to be used to buy weapons and food stuffs for the fighters.

3. Illiteracy among the Africans 

4. Banning of a political party
