1. Suppose you are in a class and your biology subject teacher brings you an unknown specimen. Which characteristics will you look for to confirm that it belongs to the kingdom fungi?
2. Explain if fungi they are heterotrophs or autotrophs and what that mean (define), explain whether or not they are saprophytes (define) and summarize how fungi obtain their nutrients?
3. List three main types of fungi and give an example of each
4. The photograph below represents a plant in a certain division

i) Name the division to which the plant belongs
ii) With reference to the photography. State three observable features of the division
iii) Name the parts labelled A, B and C
iv) Explain how the part labelled C is adapted to its functions
5. Explain five characteristics of kingdom plantae
i) Classify mosses from kingdom to its division
ii) Give three advantages of moss plants
6. Briefly state what would happen if there were no fungi in the world
7. Identify the following members of kingdom fungi by writing their common names

A............................  B...................................... C.................................  D..........................................
8. Explain four reasons why fungi are different from plants.
9. Study the diagram below and then answer the questions that follows
i) Identify the structure above by its common name
ii) Mention the structures labelled A, B, C, D, E and F
iii) Give three advantages of the organism above
iv) Give the scientific name of the organism above
v) How the structure above differ from plants?

10. Define hyphae. Explain what it does and where it is located.
11. Define mycelium. Explain what it does and where it is located.
12. Which of the four types of fungi are bread mould?
13. List two ways fungi reproduction is classified
14. Choose a word or phrase from LIST A which matches with responses in LIST B
i) Sac like cells which store ascospore
ii) An example of zygomycota
iii) Female organs of mosses
iv) Poison produced by fungi
v) Leaflets of fern plants A. Mycoses
B. Basidium
C. Fungology
D. Mycology
E. Thallus
F. Sporophytes
G. Gametophytes
H. Rhizopus
I. Pinnae


i) Identify letter A, B, C and D
ii) Give three advantages of the organism named above

43. State three distinctive feature of the kingdom plantae
44. What is the name of the following figure
i) Mention the phyla in which the organism mentioned above belongs
ii) Outline four disadvantages of kingdom fungi
45. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
i) The following are diseases caused by fungi in plants and animals except
A. Wheat rust and maize rust
B. Candidiasis
C. Influenza
D. Powdery mildew
ii) Reason for ascomycota to be called ascomycetes or sac fungi
A. The spore can be transferred by wind
B. The spore can be produced sexually
C. Their spores are enclosed in sac like structure called sci
D. They are single celled organisms
iii) The name of asexual spores in zygomycetes.
A. Zygospores
B. Sporangiophores
C. Sporangia
D. Hyphae
iv) Why are bryophytes the most primitive plants on earth?
A. They grow on wet areas
B. They do not produce seeds
C. They reproduce asexually and sexually
D. They lack vascular tissues
v) The following are divisions of the kingdom plantae except
A. Basidiomycota
B. Coniferophyta
C. Pteridophyta
D. Angiospermophyta
vi) The bread mould is an example of
A. Pteridophyta
B. Bryophyte
C. Zygomycota
D. Basidiomycota
vii) Which one of the following is not an example of organisms in kingdom fungi?
A. Mushroom
B. Amoeba
C. Puffballs
D. Yeast
viii) The following are phyla in kingdom fungi. Which one is not?
A. Bryophyte
B. Ascomycota
C. Zygomycota
D. Basidiomycota
ix) Which one of the following is a characteristic of division bryophyte
A. Plant body is not differentiated into roots, leaves and stem
B. They have well developed conductive tissues
C. The plant body is made up of hyphae
D. They store glycogen
x) Which phylum of kingdom fungi contain unicellular organism
A. Basidiomycota
B. Ascomycota
C. Zygomycota
D. Bryophyte
xi) Fungi obtain energy
A. Directly from the sun
B. From inorganic material in their environment
C. By absorbing organic molecules from dead or decaying organism
D. From nucleus fussion
xii) Chitin is found in fungi and in ………….
A. Snail shell
B. The outer shell of insects
C. Some plant cell walls
D. Tortoise shell
xiii) Fungi
A. Do not contain chlorophyll
B. Have cell walls that contain chitin
C. Do not produce their own food
D. All of the above
xiv) A hyphae is a long string of cell divided by
A. Spindle fibre
B. Asci
C. Septa
D. Mycorrhiza
xv) The individual filamentous that make up the body of a fungus are called………….
A. Vascular tissue
B. Hyphae
C. Rhizoids
D. Stem cells
xvi) Fungi obtain food by ………………
A. Through photosynthesis
B. Outside their bodies
C. Inside their bodies
D. All of the above
xvii) Fungi are important to an ecosystem as…………
A. Producers
B. Regulators
C. Decomposers
D. Controllers
xviii) Most fungal spores are formed by
A. The fussing of hyphae
B. The fussing of asci
C. Mitosis
D. Meiosis
xix) An economically important use of fungi is ……………..
A. Bread making
B. Production of antibiotics
C. Manufacture of alcohol beverages
D. All of the above
xx) Mushroom, puffball and shelf fungi are example of …………..
A. Club fungi
B. Sac fungi
C. Mould
D. Yeast
xxi) Mushrooms and toadstools are members of the phylum…………..
A. Ascomycota
B. Basidiomycota
C. Zygomycota
D. Dueteromycota
xxii) An example of fungus is…………..
A. Mushroom
B. Bread mould
C. A yeast
D. All of the above
xxiii) Which of these are in kingdom fungi
A. Mould, algae and yeast
B. Mushroom, mould and yeast
C. Mould, mushroom and lichen
D. Mould, yeast and bacteria
xxiv) All of the following are characteristics of fungi except
A. They acquire their nutrients by absorption
B. Their body plan is a net like mass of filaments called hyphae
C. They are all eukaryotes
D. Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose xxv)An example of a unicellular fungus is a ……………..
A. Mould
B. Mushroom
C. Yeast
D. Smut fungi
xxvi) Fungi usually store the reserve food material in form of ……………….
A. Starch
B. Lipid
C. Glycogen
D. Protein
xxvii) All fungi are
A. Autotrophs
B. Saprophytes
C. Parasites
D. Heterotrophs
xxviii) One of the common fungal disease of man is
A. Cholera
B. Plague
C. Ringworm
D. Typhoid
xxix) Yeast is unlike bacteria in being …………..
A. Unicellular
B. Multicellular
C. Prokaryotic
D. eukaryotic

1. match each item in column A against its corresponding item from column B
i) undigested materials excreted from the bowels
ii) wave like muscular contractions that push food along the oesophagus
iii) connect the mouth to the stomach
iv) grind food
v) absorb water from undigested and indigestible food materials
vi) waste is stored here, ready to leave the body
vii) contains an acidic medium for digestion
viii) first part of the small intestine
ix) a muscular ring like wave which regulates the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine
x) the process of passing undigested materials from the body through the
enus A. duodenum
B. oesophagus
C. rectum
D. Egestion
E. Pyloric sphincter
F. Colon
G. Stomach
H. Faeces
I. Peristalsis
J. Molars
K. Pancreas
L. Cardiac sphincter
M. Canines
N. Ingestion
O. Pharynx
P. Saccus intericus
2. Write TRUE for a correct statement and FALSE for incorrect statement.
a. Renin coagulate fats………………………..
b. Swallowing of food is assisted by peristalsis of the oesophagus muscles…………
c. Gastric juice is secreted in the ileum……………..
d. Glucose is the final product of digestion for starch and other carbohydrates……………
e. The intestinal juice contains maltase, sucrose, lipase, lactase and peptidase enzymes…………
f. Pepsinogen is an inactive form of pepsin…………….
g. Digestion of protein starts in the mouth………………
h. The presence of villi in the ileum facilitates absorption of digested food………………..
i. Water is not needed in the digestion process…………….
j. Lipase enzyme convert milk to simple sugar……………….
k. Enzyme in the duodenum work under acidic conditions…………………….
l. Canines help to crush and grind food into small particles for easy swallowing………………..
m. The first part of the small intestine is called duodenum…………………..
n. The hardening of milk in the stomach is brought by pepsin enzyme………………
o. The function of salivary gland in the mouth is to secrete amylase enzyme…………………..
3. Fill in the blanks using the following words
a. The acidic condition in the stomach is provided by ………………………
b. The digestive enzyme in the ileum function better under medium
c. Food moves through the By peristalsis to the stomach
d. The conversion of protein into peptide in the stomach is done by enzyme
e. The hardening of milk in the stomach is called ……….... this in facilitated by an enzyme called…………….


1. Match each item in column A against its corresponding item from column B
i) Lung
ii) Guard cells
iii) Lenticels
iv) Bronchioles
v) Gaseous exchange
vi) Anaerobic respiration
vii) Alveolus
viii) Trachea
ix) Stoma
x) Exhalation

A. Specialised cell in plants that control opening and closing of the stomata
B. Movement of gases across the respiratory surfaces
C. Part of the respiratory system that allows the passage of air to and from the lungs
D. A thin tube that branches from a bronchus within the lung.
E. Chemical reaction that release energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen
F. Breathing out air from the lungs
G. One of the million of tiny sacs within the
lungs where gaseous exchange occurs

H. Small opening in the plant that control the passage of gaes and water
I. One of the small pores on the bark of woody plants which is responsible for gaseous exchange
J. Specialized organ for gaseous exchange in
mammals, reptiles and birds


1. Choose the best answer from the choices given.
i) Which of the following does not cause cardio vascular disease _
A. Dietary fiber   B. Smoking C. faith food D. lack of exercise ( )
ii) The best method of preventing STDs in unmarried people is _ _ A. To practice assertive behavior
B. To have only one sexual partner C. To use contraceptive pills D. To abstain from sex   ( )
iii) Which of the following disease is caused by a protoctista _ _ A. Arteriosclerosis   B. Tuberculosis C. Syphilis   D. Malaria   ( )
iv) Sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to measure A. Hypertension   B. Arteriosclerosis C. Diastole   D. Systole ( )
v) Single circulation is observed in complex organisms like A. Amoeba   B. Reptiles C. Fish D. Tadpole ( )
vi) Which of the following organisms is a member of kingdom monera 
A. Plasmodium B. Vibric cholera C. Paramecium D. Euglena ( )
vii) Are conditions or factors that can change or be charged in an experiment. A. Hypothesis B. Variable C. Problems   D. conclusions ( )
viii) Which of the following apparatus is made of up of Iron _ A. Test tube   B. Pouter   C. Crucible D. Spatula   ( )
ix) If you do not have gloves, you can also use __ to protect your hands. A. socks B. plastic C. tins
D. a piece of cloth ( )
x) The following is not transported by blood plasma? A. Faces   B. Nutrients C. Respiratory gases D. Hormone ( )
2. Which statement is false about division bryophyta?
A. Lack vascular tissue
B. Found in moist areas
C. Need water for fertilization
D. Has sporophyte as dominate stage
2. Which of the following is true about digestion of starch
A. Occur in mouth and oesophagus
B. Occur in mouth only
C. Enzyme digesting starch are produced in the stomach
D. Its end product of digestion is absorbed in lacteal
3. The chemical compaund that can cause death in blood is

1. Why are food webs a more realistic way of portraying ecosystems than food chain?
2. What is the source of energy for most ecosystems?
3. Name and define four types of consumers.
4. How does the amount of available energy change from one level of an energy pyramid to the next level up?
5. Name the three energy roles of organisms in an ecosystem. How does each type of organism obtain energy?\
6. Name and define three major processes that occur during the water cycle
7. Explain the role of plants in the carbon cycle
8. How producers take in carbondioxide from the atmosphere?
9. How is oxygen returned to the envronment?
10. What change of state occurs when water from the surface of the ocean enters the atmosphere as water vapour?
11. Name five examples of leguminous plants
12. How nitrogen is returned to the environment?
13. What is the role of lighting during nitrogen cycle.
14. What do herbivores and carnivores have in common?
15. Name two biotic and two abiotic factors you might find in a forest ecosystem.
16. Explain how sunlight is used by plants and algae. How is this process important to other living things in an ecosystem?
17. What are two adaptations that prey organism have developed to protect themselves? Describe how each adaptation protects the organism.
18. Copy the concept map about interaction among organism onto a separate sheet of paper. Complete the concept map and add a tittle


19. The diagram below represent the different trophic level in the ecosystem. Study it and answer the questions that follow

a) Mention a trophic level represented by each letter in the diagram A, B, C, D, E and F
b) Why do the trophic level form a pyramid shape?
c) State the role of the organism in the trophic level represented by letter A and F
20. The diagram below represents a feeding relationship in an ecosystem.


Playing mants predator bug

Butterfly grasshopper herbivorous bug Plants

a) What is the name of the feeding relationship represented above?
b) What does the sequence plant grasshopper lizard represent?
c) Name the organisms which are


1. Explain how mammalian lung are adapted for gaseous exchange
a) Describe how carbon dioxide is produced by
i) Respiring muscles cells during strenuous exercise
2. Why are gills in fish highly vascularised
3. Study the diagram bellow and answer the questions that follow
i) Identify the structures labelled 1-11
ii) What is the function of the structure labelled 3, 4,6 and 11
iii) Give three adaptation of the structure labelled 11
iv) By using the number used in the diagram. Trace the flow of air from the environment into the respiratory surface
4. Describe the:
1) Process of inhalation in mammals
2) Mechanism of opening and closing of the stomata
5. Name three sites where gaseous exchange take place in terrestrial plants
6. Explain why is not possible to suffocate a locus or grasshopper by holding its head under water while the remaining parts of the body is outside the water?
7. Explain why a person cannot breathe while swallowing?
8. Explain why the red blood cell count is much higher in the person who lived at high altitude
9. Explain why a person cannot digest cellulose
10. Explain why photosynthesis process is inversely proportion to respiration
11. Explain why it is not advised to stay under the tree during the night
12. What is the effect of contraction of the diaphragm muscles during breathing in mammals
13. State three factors that make alveolus adapted to its function
14. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows

i) Identify the structure by its name
ii) Mention the structures labelled P, Q and R
iii) How does the structure maximize gaseous exchange? Give three points
15. Explain why water logging of the soil may lead to death in plants
16. Write three advantages of breathing through the nose than through the mouth
17. How does the structure of alveoli maximize gaseous exchange
18. State the effect of movement of the diaphragm muscles during inhalation in mammals
19. State three structural adaptation of leaves that maximize efficiency in gaseous exchange
20. Explain six factors which affect the rate of transpiration in plants
21. State and explain ways the leaves are adapted for gaseous exchange
22. Name three gaseous constituents involved in gaseous exchange in plants
23. Study the diagram of a leaf below and answer the questions that follows


i) Name the structure labelled A-G
ii) What is the function of the structure labelled D, F and G
iii) How structure C is adapted to its function
iv) Which part is made up of waxy layer
v) Why is the upper surface of the leaf greener than the lower surface
56. Define each of the following terms
i) Gaseous exchange
ii) Respiration
a) Name the respiratory surface for each of the following organism
i) Insect
ii) Mammal
iii) Fish
iv) Spider
v) Earthworm
b) Give reasons for each of the following characteristics of respiratory surface
i) Have thin wall
ii) Have large surface area
57. Match the phrase in list A with responses in list B by writting the letter of the correct response
i) Structure used for gaseous exchange in
human being A. Larynx
ii) The structure which prevent food from
entering the trachea during swallowing B. Yeast
iii) The structure which trap dust in the trachea C. Bronchioles


i) Identify the organism above by their common names
ii) Classify the above organisms up to class level
iii) State the locomotory structures of the organism above
103.Study the structure of the villus below and answer the questions that follow
i) In which part of the almentary canal is the above structure found?
ii) Name the parts labelled H, I B and C


i) Identify the above diagram............................................................................................................
ii) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I
iii) Name the part where absorption of most food substances takes place................................
iv) How does the structure labelled I adapted to its function ( give four adaptation)
v) Name the part where fatty acid and glycerol are carried after absorption..............
65. Define the following terms
i) Cell
ii) Cytology
a) Mention the main parts of the cell
b) Draw the plant cell to show the main parts of the cell
c) Name the following
i) Motile cell..............................................
ii) Cell without nucleus..................................
iii) A cell that changes its shape............................
iv) A cell that transport water............................
v) A cell that absorb water..............................
vi) A cell that contain a lot of chloroplast...................
66. With examples write an essay on heterotrophism
67. Write an essay on the disorders of digestive system
68. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow

69. Explain six scientific process used in studying biology
i) Measuring tools cannot be 100% accurate, we can increase accurate of measurement by (name three) 1. .........................................................................................................
74. Complete each of the following statements by wrting the correct answer in the space provided
i) Finger like projection that helps in the absorption of food........................
ii) Movement of food along the alimentary canal...........................
iii) Feeding of died decaying matter..........................
iv) Digestive juice that contains three enzymes............................
v) Loss of water in plants in form of droplets.......................
75. What is virus?
a) Give reason to support that virus are
i) Non living
ii) Living things
b) List the following
i) Three advantages of fungi
ii) Two disadvantages of mosses
iii) Four division of kingdom plantae
76. What is muscle cramp
a). Mention ways of preventing muscle cramp
77. Name the disease that is caused by the following
i) Amoeba
ii) Paramecium
iii) Plasmodium
78. Distinguish between
i) Food preservation and food storage
ii) Refrigeration and freezing
iii) Curing and smoking
c) Explain how the following methods can be used to preserve food
i) Smoking
ii) Pasteurization
iii) Using additives
79. Using examples discuss the economic importance of kingdom fungi
80. a) what is waste
c) what is waste disposal
d) mention ways of disposing waste at home
e) describe the effect of poor waste disposal
81. match the following items
i). An enzyme that convert lipids to fatty acid and glycerol
ii). It contains an acidic medium for digestion
iii). Site for dumping soil and covering it with soil
iv). The process of burning waste until it is completely destroyed
v). The process of turning waste into new product A. cow
B. stomach
C. ferns
D. human being
E. incineration
F. land fill
1. study the following diagram and answer the questions that follow

i) what take place to the above diagram P and Q?
ii) Name the structure labelled A, B and C
iii) Give two adaptation of the structure labelled B
iv) Describe the photosynthetic theory that explains the mechanism of stomata opening and closure
3. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow


i) Identify the diagram above
ii) Name the structures labelled A-K
iii) State the function of the structure labelled
79. Study the diagram below of a microscope and answer the questions that follow


i) Identify organism labelled A-H
ii) Give four shapes of bacteria and their examples
iii) Bacteria reproduce asexually by dividing into two. What form is used for this form of asexual reproduction?....................
iv) What do bacteria form when environment condition become unfavourable?..........................
v) What does the term pathogenic mean in relation to bacteria.................................................................................................................................................................
2. Select the correct term from the following list to match each of the items in column A and write it in column B
Sap, liver, lipid, sperm, hot water
