King Menelik II of Ethiopia


This was also known as the Battle of Adowa. Adwa was the military base and the headquarters of Menelik II’s government. This war occurred in the present Ethiopia. The Ethiopians under king Menelik II resisted against the Italians from 1889 to 1896. At the end of the battle, the natives (Ethiopians) emerged victorious over Italians.


The battle of Adwa was backed by the following reasons

Ethiopian relationship with some European states. 

The Italians aimed at destroying the friendship between Ethiopians and other Europeans basing on the fact that they (Italians) were the sole Europeans to colonies Ethiopia according to the Berlin conference of 1884 / 1885. The Ethiopians resisted so as to defend their friendship and diplomatic relationship with other Europeans.

The failure of the Ucciali treaty of 1889. 

Treaty of Wichale, Wichale also spelled Ucciali, (May 2, 1889), pact signed at Wichale, Ethiopia, by the Italians and Menilek II of Ethiopia, whereby Italy was granted the northern Ethiopian territories of Bogos, Hamasen, and Akale-Guzai (modern Eritrea and northern Tigray) in exchange for a sum of money and the provision of 30,000 muskets and 28 cannons.

Article XVII of the Treaty of Wichale stated that the emperor of Ethiopia “could” have recourse to the good offices of the Italian government in his dealings with other foreign powers; but the Italian text of the treaty had the word “must.” Based on their own text, the Italians proclaimed a protectorate over Ethiopia. In September 1890, Menilek II repudiated their claim, and in 1893 he officially denounced the entire treaty. 

An attempt by the Italians to impose a protectorate over Ethiopia by force was finally confounded by their defeat at the Battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896. By the Treaty of Addis Ababa (Oct. 26, 1896), the country south of the Mareb and Muna rivers was restored to Ethiopia, and Italy acknowledged the absolute independence of Ethiopia.

The Italians collaborated with Ras Mangasha (King / Emperor Mangasha) of TIGRE. 


Restoration of Africans respect before Europeans. The reputation of Ethiopians after the Ethiopia war was uplifted before Europeans and their fellow Africans.

The Italians lost a colony in Africa. The Ethiopians denied Italy a chance to acquire their country (Ethiopia) hence reducing the number of Italian colonies in Africa. Italy remained with Italy Somali land and Libya.

Death. During the war, many Africans and Italians lost their lives in the battle field.

Causalities. Those who survived death, some were injured and some become disabled for good.

Inspiration of nationalism. The war made the rest of the Africans to believe in themselves and their abilities to suppress European colonialism in their continent. Ethiopia acted as a role model of African nationalism. In the future, it became the Headquarter of the OAU (Organization of African Unity) and the AU (African Union) activities. 

It increased enmity between Italy and some Europeans. Italy was abandoned by other Europeans in the battle of Adowa. This weakened European solidarity.
