The Majimaji war was fought in the South Eastern part of Tanganyika from 1905 to 1907. It involved the fighting between Germans against the natives of the area such as the Matumbi, Ngindo, Ngoni, Zaramo, Zigua, Makonde, Matengo, Mbunda, Bena, Pogoro, Lugulu and others.

The key figure (mastermind) of this uprising was the Matumbi prophet Mr. Kinjekile Ngwale from Ngalambe village. He urged the people that he received a promise and order from the Matumbi ancestors “The spirit of KOLELO or HONGO”to fighters against the Germans and win the war by using the charm. 

He used the water charm from Ngarambe spring as medicine for anointment. He mingled (mixed) the water with millet powder and used it to anoint the HONGO fighters. He told the fighters that, the magic water charm will turn the German bullets into harmless water.

Because of that idea, the war was referred as MAJIMAJI war. Water refers to Maji in Swahili.


Location of the Majimaji War


Land alienation. Land alienation was among the major causes of the Majimaji war. Rich (fertile) soil land was taken by force by the German government from the natives. It includes the Rufiji valley, the Lukuledi valley, Mahenge plateau etc. The natives fought to restore back their land.

Loss of Independence. The native authorities were no longer respected people were under the new administrators such as the Germans, the Akidas and Jumbe’s so they wanted to win back their former administration.

German harshness and brutality. The Akida’s and Jumbes torture Africans without apparent reasons E.g. Many native were imprisoned without regular trials. This too provoked Africans to resist.

Sexual harassment. The German officials such as mercenaries raped the Ngindo’s wives. The Ngindo couldn’t bear this, it became to be among of the reasons which gave the Ngindo men a reason to fight.

Taxation. The natives were subjected to pay colonial taxes, the tax collectors such as the Jumbes and Akidas were harassing to native tax payers. Those who failed to pay tax were jailed.

Forced cash crop production. The natives were forced to grow cotton and the Germans purchased the cotton from natives at a very price. The natives weren’t comfortable with this.

Low wages. The Africans who happened to be Employed by Germans were less paid by the Germans, also the working hours were very much extended.

Interference (distortion) of African culture. The natives were not happy with the introduction of Christianity, It despised Africans practices, religions etc. Native culture was considered by the Germans to be unwanted behaviors. The Africans were ready to defend their ways of life by fighting.

The Ngoni Revenge. Among many reasons, the Ngoni fought the German as a way of revenging the evils the Germans commited to their former king Chabruma during the introduction of German colonialism in Songea. 

The influence of the Matumbi prophet (Kinjekitile Ngwale). Kinjekitile sparked the spirit of unity and confidence among Africans. This made them ready for a fight.


1. Passive phase

The Africans resisted by uprooting the German cotton seedlings and other properties. The Zaramo refused to sell their cotton to German. As passive actions mounted the war erupted.

2.  Active phase

The war started by a fight between the German and the Matumbi on the Matumbi hills.

It spread as far west of Songea and other areas of South Eastern Tanganyika. By 1907, the Germans had already conquered the whole area. The Africans were badly defeated. The following reasons led to the African’s defeat.


Death. More than 50,000 Africans were killed either by fighting or by famine and starvation   during and after the war.

Destructions of properties. The African properties such as villages (houses), farms, granaries were burnt by the German fighters

Poverty and famine. After the war, many natives became property less due to the destruction done by Germans. Some of them died of famine.

Change of German administration. The Germans opted to change the government by appointing a new governor. This aims at transforming the colonial administration. Governor Von Soden was replaced by Governor Von Rochenburg.

Replacement of the Akidas and Jumbes. The Africans from various missionary centers were employed to hold the posts of the Akidas and Jumbe’s who were brutal and harsh to the natives.

Separation of families. During the fighting, many Africans migrated from war torn areas to safer areas so as to rescue their lives. Many families were separated because of this migration and death.

Inspiration of nationalism. It was the first Africans anti–colonial struggle to involve many tribes. It provided a lesson to the future freedom fighters, it was a symbol of unity.

Improvement of social services. German government insisted on the extension of missionary school services and the opening of many health centers to take care of the native’s health and other social services.

The Germans built the AMANI BOTANICAL and AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE in Tanga to train the natives (Africans) planters with agricultural skills.

Improvement of infrastructures such as the government offices harbors roads and railways so as to make easy control of the colony.

NOTE: The Majimaji uprising stood as an important symbol of unity among Africans from different ethnic groups. This was possible because of the influence of Kinjekitile and because they were against the same enemy.
