What is career?
Career: Is an occupation or work that someone does for a long period of time on his or her life. Example of occupation are such as accountancy, medicine, geology, teaching, political science, engineering, marketing, baking, psychology, journalism, law and other fields.
Career choice: This refers to the process of choosing a job that one likes. Example: some people may choose career on accountancy, medicine, geology, teaching, political science, engineering, marketing, baking, psychology, journalism, law and other fields. Normally a person choose career to further development.
Career development: Means doing things which enable person to excel in the careen he/she chosen.
There is internal and external factors affecting career development. Those factors may affect individual career development either in positive or negative way.
1. Personal characteristics: Normally personal characteristics determine career choosing. Example who like serving others are likely to choose and enjoy working as a teachers, doctors and nurses and social workers.
2. Internal motivation/forces: Normally these forces may lead someone to be interested to different activity. Normally the internal forces are called intrinsic forces.
3. Age: Some careers need people with specific age. People are highly interested to choose the career which is suitable to the age. Example if an employee is near to retire cannot be given a job job opportunity.
4. Health conditions: Normally health status has an influence on career choosing because some careers need people with specific health status.
1. Financial resources: Some career need money for development example university studies need enough money.
2. External motivation: These are external forces which push an individual person to choose a certain carrer. Example of extrinsic forces are such as encouragement from people.
3. Family obligation: Some career development to some individual development is affected peoples obligations.
1. It helps an individual to move in the right direction and achieve personal goal.
2. It helps to promote knowledge, skills and professionalism.
3. It promotes motivation and confidence.
4. It improve efficiency of production in the organization.
5. It helps organization to reduce costs.
6. It facilitate proper use of employee's skills and knowledge.
Choosing career: Is the continuous process. Success in any kind of career is the result of individual efforts to learn and make good decision.
1. Assess/know yourself: Someone before choosing a certain career must assess himself or herself because people are differ in terms of ability and goals .
2. List career of your interests: A person should also find the relevant information about the given career and work related activities which is suitable to the community. The information about the career is obtained from different sources like news papers, watching television, reading books and magazines and visiting social midia networks like facebook, wtatsap, twitter and instagram.
3. Identify the career options: A person should identify the many information options about the career which is likely to choose. This include career procedures, conditions and other important requirements. Example if a someone want to be engineer must find the information about the skills, education and values of engineering.
4. Narrow down the list of career and work related activities: You should choose the career should assess all option and make sure that the career with match with your interest.
5. Be focused: Avod be distracted by other people's opinions s long as the choice suits your value, focus only to the career in order to achieve your dream.
1. Parents and guardians: These people can expose their children to different careers. Parents can provide informations and procedures or conditions necessary for a certain career.
2. Peers or friends: These are important people who can help a person to get social and economic information about a certain career. Friends can provide information and procedures or conditions necessary for a certain career.
3. Mass media: The information about the career can be obtained from different sources like news papers, watching television, listening radio, reafing magazines and visiting social midia networks like facebook, wtatsap, twitter and instagram.
4. Internet: Sometimes the career information may be obtained through browsing internet websites like google opera.
5. Occupational visits: with the help of school counselors or subject teacher, students can visit a certain organization or institution or factory to learn about work related activities.
6. Visiting libraries and career information centre: A person can visit direct libraries or different information centres in order to learn different information about a career.
7. Inviting guest speaker: Normally people working in different organizations or companies, institutions or government offices are canvbe invited yo talk to students about the career and working experiences. Through that students can be exposed to different career. Example: Medical doctor can be invited to talk to students about the opportunities from the health sector.
Work: is any lawful activity that a person does to earn income for living. People work to produce goods and services. People must participate in activities that will improve their living standard as well as for national development.
i. Physical works.
ii. Mental works.
1. Physical work: are those works which involves the use of body physical strengths on performing them.
Example of physical works
i. Mining.
ii. Fishing.
iii. Agriculture.
iv. Pastoralism.
v. Carpentry.
2. Mental works: are those work which usually use mental skills on performing them.
Example of mental works
i. Teaching.
ii. Banking.
iii. Nursing.
iv. Accountancy.
v. Computer application.
vi. Guidance and counselling.
1. FARMING: Crops e.g. maize, rice and cassava.
2. LIVESTOCK KEEPING: Milk, skin, meat and wool.
3. FISHING: Fish.
4. MINING: Minerals e.g. gold, coal and diamond.
5. BRICK: Bricks
6. CARPENTRY: Furniture e.g. table, chair and desks.
1. Banking: Financial transaction.
2. Transportation: Transporting goods and services of people.
3. Communication and information: Provision of informations.
4. Health service: Health care.
5. Teaching: Provision of education. 6.Tourism: Leisure and study.
1. It provides basic needs to the family members: such food, clothes and shelter.
2. Work improves living standards: through income generated from the personal activities.
3. Work it help to keeps people busy: They don't have time to engage in criminal activities.
4. It provide personal identity: work help to identify a person example teacher, lawyer, engineer, identity each other like judge, carpenters and photographers.
5. Work brings respects in the the society: Normally person who work hard is respected in the society.
6. Work encourage innovation: They enable people to come up with solutions to problems.
7. Works generate personal employment.
1. Work encourage economic growth: Work involves the lives of people by producing good and service.
2. Works generate government revenue: Through taxes paid by the people from their activities.
3. They encourage good provision of social services: Work enables the government to provide social services such as health core, education and security.
4. Works encourage economic growth: Works enable government engage in development projects such as building road and industries.
5. Works stimulate the industrial development: Due to availability of raw materials generated from different works like agriculture, mining, fishing and lumbering.
6. Works generate employment opportunities in the country: works help in solving the problem of unemployment in the country.
7. Works help to reduce the rates of crimes: since people are busy with their activities more over people have their sufficient income.
8. Work encourage technological advancement: due to the increasing in people's creativity on performing their activities.
1. Outline five sources of career information.
2. Outline six importance of developing career.
3. Outline five steps to be considered by someone on choosing career.
4. By giving six points explain importance of work for personal development.
5. By giving six points relate work and national development.