Combination Mpya Form Five 2024/2025 - New Combination


New Combination Form Five 2024/2025

Tanzania unveiled New Combination for advanced level education ACSEE (Form Five and Six). It is preparation for selection of students who will join Form Five and Colleges for 2024/2025 academic year.

The aim of the of latest addition of combination is to increase the number of professionals in various fields to eliminate the long-standing shortage of experts in the country.

New combinations is unveiled for students who are set to join Form Five in july 2024.

New Combination: 49

Old: 16

Total: 65

A: Social Science Combinations

1 History, Geography and Kiswahili (HGK)

2 History, Geography and English Language (HGL)

3 History, Geography and French (HGF)

4 History, Kiswahili and English Language (HKL)

5 History, Geography and Arabic (HGAr)

6 History, Geography and Chinese (HGCh)

7 History, Geography and Economics (HGE)

8 History, Geography and Fasihi ya Kiswahili (HGFa)

9 History, Geography and Literature in English (HGLi)

B: Language Combinations

10 Kiswahili, English Language and French (KLF)

11 Kiswahili, English Language and Arabic (KLAr)

12 Kiswahili, English Language and Chinese (KLCh)

13 Kiswahili, Arabic and Chinese (KArCh)

14 Kiswahili, Arabic and French (KArF)

15 English Language, French and Arabic (LFAr)

16 English Language, French and Chinese (LFCh)

17 French, Arabic and Chinese (FArCh)

18 History, English Language and French (HLF)

19 History, English Language and Arabic (HLAr)

20 History, English Language and Chinese (HLCh)

C: Business Studies Combinations

21 Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy (EBuAc)

22 Economics, Geography and Mathematics (EGM)

23 Economics, Commerce and Accountancy (ECAc)

24 Economics, Computer Science and Mathematics (ECsM)

25 Business Studies, Accountancy and Computer Science (BuAcCs)

26 Business Studies, Accountancy and Mathematics (BuAcM)

27 Economics, Business Studies and Islamic Knowledge (EBuI)

D: Science Combinations

28 Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM)

29 Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB)

30 Physics, Geography and Mathematics (PGM)

31 Chemistry, Biology and Geography  (CBG)

32 Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science (PMCs)

33 Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CBA)

34 Chemistry, Biology and Food and Human Nutrition (CBN)

E: Sports Combinations

35 Biology, Food and Human Nutrition and Sports (BNS)

36 English Language, Music and Sports (LMS)

37 Kiswahili, Music and Sports (KMS)

38 Fasihi ya Kiswahili, Music and Sports (FaMS)

39 Literature in English, Music and Sports (LiMS)

40 French, Music and Sports (FMS)

41 Arabic, Music and Sports (ArMS)

F: Art Combinations

42 Kiswahili, English Language and Theatre Arts G(KLT)

43 Kiswahili, French and Theatre Arts (KFT)

44 Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Theatre Arts (FaLT)

45 Kiswahili, Literature in English and Theatre Arts (KLiT)

46 Kiswahili, English Language and Music (KLM)

47 Kiswahili, French and Music (KFM)

48 Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Music (FaLM)

49 Kiswahili, Literature in English and Music (KLiM)

50 Kiswahili, English Language and Fine Art (KLFi)

51 Kiswahili, French and Fine Art (KFFi)

52 Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Fine Art (FaLFi)

53 Kiswahili, Literature in English and Fine Art (KLiFi)

54 Kiswahili, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (KTeFi)

55 English Language, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (LTeFi)

56 Arabic, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (ArTeFi)

57 Chinese, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (ChiTeFi)

G: Religious Education Combinations

58 Islamic Knowledge, History and Geography (IHG)

59 Divinity, History and Geography (DHG)

60 Islamic Knowledge, History and Arabic (IHAr)

61 Divinity, History and English Language (DHL)

62 Islamic Knowledge, History and English Language (IHL)

63 Divinity, History and Kiswahili (DHK)

64 Islamic Knowledge, History and Kiswahili (IHK)

65 Divinity, Kiswahili and English Language (DKL)