Contribution of Ghana Independence to African Nationalism



i. An inspiration to other countries. The independence of Ghana encouraged others. Nationalists started using Kwame Nkrumah as their model of fighting for independence.

ii. Strengthening of pan Africa n movement. Ghana under Kwame Nkrumah encouraged African movement against colonialism e.g. in April 1958, all independent states like Libya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia were insisted to meet in Accra. They were to set plans helping other countries to be independent.

iii. Encouraging unity. Kwame Nkrumah advocated the united states of Africa (USA) and Africa n unity. This idea led to the rise of OAU which opposed colonialism in many countries.

iv. Financial support. Independent Ghana provided financial support to Malawi / Nyasa Land, Belgium Congo and other African countries to fight for their independence.

v. The union attempts. Kwame Nkrumah tried to form Ghana guinea union in 1958. This acted as catalyst to Africa n unity and development of mass nationalism.

vi. Dr. Nkrumah opposed nuclear activities of France in Algeria. In 1959 and 1960 a team of delegates from Africa, Britain and America came to observe the situation. This situation motivated the Africa n to increase their struggle against white.
