Factors Determined Nature Of Resistance in Africa


The influence of agents of colonialism. In areas in which the missionaries humbled a big number of Africans and their leaders into Christianity, the colonial masters didn’t face much opposition from the Africans.

Ignorance; some Africans didn’t grasp the intention of Europeans so they just received    them as friends after receiving some gifts, they collaborated with Europeans.

Expectancy of Africans from German; some Africans (rulers) expected to receive gifts,  guns, defense, political posts from Europeans after imposition of colonialism hence collaborated with Europeans.

Level of economic, social and political development; some pre–colonial Africa developed states didn’t fear the Europeans hence they were ready to encounter them in battle fields.  E.g. The Ethiopians, the Hehe, Mandika etc.

Natural calamities weakened some societies and made the Africans unable to resist. E.g.   The Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania who were attacked by cholera and Rinder pest which attacked the people and cattle, this made them collaborate with the British.

Defense of sovereignty; Most of the Africans who waged wars against Europeans wanted    to defend their throne which seemed to be reduced (despised) by the Europeans. E.g. The  uprising  of Mkwawa of the Hehe against Germans.

Economic potentialities also determined a type of African response. In areas with a lot of natural resources such as mineral deposits, there were strong African upholds 
