Factors for the Rise and Decline of Mali Empire

MALI EMPIRE (1235 AD-15th C)

Early in the 13th Century Ghana fell apart as a result of the confrontation between the Sosso king Sumanguru Kanté and the Mandinka prince Sundiata Keita in the so called “The Battle of Kirina”, also known as the Battle of Krina or Siege of Karina in 1235 AD. Sundiata Keita's forces roundly defeated those of Sumanguru Kanté, guaranteeing the pre-eminence of Keita's new Mali Empire over Africa.

Mali Empire was originated from a small village of Kangaba. After the Battle if Kirina, Sundiata Keita formed a large kingdom of Mali and the capital city was Niami and the title of the rulers was Mansa.

 Sundiata Keita was the first to assume the title of Mansa (emperor), which was passed down through the Keita line with few interruptions well into the 15th century. Other notable mansas include his son Wali Keita and the powerful Mansa Musa (Kankan Musa), whose hajj helped define a new direction for the Empire.



The fall of Ghana empire

Control of gold fields of Bambouk, Bundu and Wangara.

Presence of a strong standing army under Sundiata Keita.

Favourable land for agricultural production.

Control of Trans – Saharan trade

Strong leadership of Sundiata Keita and later Mansa Kankan Musa.

Use of Islamic religion. Mansa Kankan Musa declared Islam the state religion which promoted libraries and Islamic universities like Timbuktu.

Good political system in Mali. Sundiata was not just a conqueror but also an able administrator. He divided his empire into provinces and appointed his own generals to be in charge of each province.


1. Weak leadership after the death of Mansa Mahmud IV.

2. Empire became too large to control.

3. Lack of unity and the empire was divided into three spheres of influence and they fought against each other.

4. Attacks by Tuaregs. The Tuaregs of the Sahara conquered the northern part of the Mali Empire while the Mossi attacked the southern region.

5. Civil wars.

6. The rise of Songhai Empire. In 1498, Suni Ali of Songhai captured the city of Timbuktu from Tuaregs. Therefore, the coming to power of the Songai Empire to the east of Mali contributed to the decline and eventual fall of the Mali Empire. 
