Fine Art Form Two TIE Book PDF


Form 2 Fine Art TIE Book (PDF Download)

The elements of art are the visual aspects of art that allow someone to describe the art. The elements of art are line, texture, color, shape, form, space, and value.

Fine Art is rooted in the artist's imagination and skill, reflecting their emotions, thoughts, and ideas through various mediums.

Fine Art is a compulsory subject for Form I-IV students in the General Education pathway for those who choose to join the Fine Art or Textile and Garment Constructions streams.


The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) charged with the responsibility of ensuring the quality of education in Tanzania at the pre-school, primary, secondary and teacher training levels.

The Institute is charged with the responsibility of interpreting government policies on education to befitting curriculum programs and instructional materials in order to facilitate provision of quality education at pre- primary, basic, secondary and teacher education levels.

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