Functions / Advantages & Disadvantages of Historical Sites


Functions of historical sites.

1. Historical sites function as means of preserving culture.

2. Function as tool of practical learning of history; the visitors are able to view and touch artefacts at historical sites.

3. Historical sites function in aiding the passing on traditions to new generations. E.g the modern days carpenter can learn how to design and carve ornate doors by studying the old Lamu doors.

4. Historical sites work as a means of reconstructing history that is they enable historians to write history.

5. Historical sites function as identity for social cultural heritage of the respective society.

6. Historical sites act as a source of income in a country because historical sites sometimes act as tourist attraction.

Advantages of Historical Sites.

1. They provide historical information about the achievement and development of past societies.

2. They help to generate national income from the tourists who visit them

3. Historical sites preserve historical information for the current and future generation.

4. Historical sites help us in a practical learning of history

V. Historical sites compliment other sources of history. For example, one can see or touch what was being narrated in oral traditions.

5. Historical sites facilitate discoveries and scientific research to historians.

6. Historical site help in the identity of certain social and cultural information pertaining to a particular society.

Limitations (Disadvantages of Historical sites)

1. It is very expensive to meet the running cost of historical sites.

2. It is sometimes very difficult to interpret the remains.

3. Many historical sites are in remote areas, this makes it very difficult for many people to visit them.

4. Historical sites are prone to disintegration. Some are very old and they to be treated with great care.

5. Historical sites are usually the protected areas hence no one can take artefact or ecofacts for further research.

Sample questions based on Historical Sites 

1. What are the limitations of historical sites.

2. How are historical sites important in the study of history?

3. Mention four historical sites in each of the three East African countries.

4. Draw a sketch Map of East Africa and locate the following historical sites

i. The place where the southern route of East African long-distance trade started.

ii. The place where Dr Louis Leakey discovered the skull of Zinjanthtropus in 1959.

iii. The place that is remembered as a capital of Bunyoro-Kitara empire

iv. The Famous slave market that was closed in 1873

v. The starting point of the central route of East African long-distance trade.

vi. Kalambo Falls

vii. Orgosailie

viii. Rusinga Island

ix. Nsongezi

x. The place in North Eastern Tanganyika where the pre-colonial African societies extracted iron.

xi. The place in central western part of Tanganyika where the remains of middle stone age tools and 
the fossils of Homo-erectus were discovered.

xii. The place where the ancestors paint on rocks.