What is Water?

Water: Is a colourless, odorless and tasteless liquid found naturally on the earth surface.

Sources of water

i. Rainfall

ii. Well

iii. Springs

iv. Lakes

v. Seas/ oceans.

vi. Wetlands and swamps.


1. Water is used for domestic purposes: This include for cooking, washing, drinking, etc.

2. Water is used for agriculture development: Through irrigation.

3. Water is used for hydro-electric power generation.

4. Water is used for industrial development: for cooling machine and washing raw materials.

5. Water encourages the development of the fishing industry

6. It encourages the development of the tourist industry

7. Water is used for navigation i.e. it stimulates the development of transport and communication
8. Water influences weather activities i.e. rain formation

9. Water provides habitat for various living organisms.

Domestic uses of water

1. Water used for cooking.

2. Water used for drinking.

3. Water used for washing human body and clothes.

4. Water used for feeding livestock.

5. Water used in industries. to cool machinery parts and washing raw materials.

How the long distance to the water sources affects the young girls. 

In rural areas, family members especially girls and women spend most of their time on looking for water. 

In Tanzania this problem is very common where most rural communities the task of fetching water is placed on women and girls hence they tend to be much affected.

Effects of shortage of water towards the young girls

The distance between the home and the water source affects the girl child in the following ways;-

1. Too much wastage of time for study resulted in to poor performance.

2. Most young girls experience various problems like raping.

3. Increase in waterborne diseases like typhoid, chorela, etc.

4. Decline of Students performances in school.

5. Decline of other activities due to wastage of time.

6. Increase in illiteracy to the young girls.


1. Water causes floods.

2. Water provides habitat for dangerous animals like snakes, etc.

3. Polluted water is a source of waterborne diseases.

4. Flowing water causes soil erosion.

5. Large water bodies may cause barrier for communication.

6. The construction of large water bodies cause earthquakes.


Water cycle: Is the continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. It is brought about by the processes of evaporation, condensation, infiltration percolation, surface run off etc


Water cycle involve the following processes:-

1. Evaporation: is the process whereby water change from liquid in to vapour due to the influence of temperature. Evapotranspiration: is the combination of evaporation from water bodies and from vegetation covers.

2. Cooling: is the process where by the water vapor has to be cooled to develop liquid form.

3. Condensation: Is the process whereby water vapour change in to liquid form.

4. Precipitation: Is deposition of moisture from the atmosphere in to the earth surface. Or is the process of falling of condensed water vapour from the atmosphere in to the earth surfaces.

5. Surface run-off: is process of where by the rain water is glowing on the earth surface to form different water bodies like lake, river or under ground water.

6. Percolation.
7. Infiltration.

8. Overland flow.



Hydro electricity: is the form of electricity produced by power of falling water such as Streams, Glaciers, Natural water falls and Man made lakes. The main rivers in Africa which have tremendous head of water important for power development are Nile, the Niger, Zaire, Zambezi Limpopo and the Orange river. It is estimated that African rivers can supply 23% of potential worlds HEP. Hydro turbines are used to produce hydro electric power.

How to set up hydro electric power generation center

1. Construction of dam: the dam normally is constructed across a river so as to collet water.
2. Construction of power house and installation of turbines.

3. Drilling of water in to turbine chamber, so as to enhance turbine to rotate. Normally as the turbine rotate the generator also rotates to produce electric power.

4. Transportation of power in to transformer.

Examples of hydroelectric power stations in Tanzania

1. Kidatu hydroelectric power station.

2. Nyumba ya mungu hydroelectric power station along the river pangani.

3. Stiglers Gorge hydroelectric power station, along the river Rufiji (Rufiji basin).

4. Hale hydroelectric power station, along the river pangani.

5. Mtera hydroelectric power station.

6. Pangani force hydroelectric power station, along the river pangani.


1. There should be presence of water source.

2. There should be steep gradient or slope so as to support water fall.

3. Presence of enough skilled labour for construction of dam and running of the project.

4. Availability of market for both domestic and industrial use.

5. Threre should be presence of enough capital.

6. There should be presence of advance technology.


1. Lack of enough capital for construction of dams and installing the power plant

2. Low level of technology.

3. River regime: variation of water volume in the river is another challenge.

4. Sitting of the dams due to deposition.
5. Theft of power lines and transformer oils.

6. Shortage of reliable transport facilities especially in remoteness areas.

7. Geographical barriers.


1. It stimulates the development of economic sectors such as mining industry.

2. It encourages environmental conservation by reducing dependence on forests as a source of power.

3. It raise living standards of the people.

4. It generates national income.

5. It encourage the improvement of science and technology.

6. It makes the country to be well known world wide for hydro power generation.

7. It generates employment opportunities to the local people.


Underground water: is the water found below the surface of the earth. Underground water also is called ground water or subterranean water, is water that is found below the surface of the Earth.


1. Connate water: This is the ground water which formed during the formation of the igneous rocks. It sometimes referred to as fossils water. Most of connate water is saline.

2. Meteoric water: This refers to underground water which originates from rainfall and other forms of precipitation such as hails, snow and precipitation. It is a result of precipitation water seeping into the ground.

3. Juvenile water: This is the ground water that formed by volcanic activities. It is also sometimes is called magnetic water. It normally has high mineral content.

4. Oceanic water: This is underground water that results from horizontal seepage of ocean water into the ground to form underground water. It is most common in coastal areas where ocean water seeps horizontally into the ground from the ocean.


Underwound water has three major zones which include:-

1. Zone of non-saturation: This is a zone of undeground water which get saturation only during the rain take place but immediately undergo dry when the rain stopped. It is usually contain pore spaces which allow water to pass through for futher infiltration in to under ground. However this zone never contain water but simply allow water to pass through.

2. Zone of intermittent/temporary saturation: This is a zone of partial saturation. This zone it can be saturated by water during the rain season but it tend to be dry onces when the rain stopped. Is the zone where the pore spaces in a rock are filled and contains water only after heavy rain.

3. Zone of permanent saturation: This is a zone where the pore spaces of the rocks are always saturated or contains water. This zone is underlined by the very impermeable rocks layers which cannot allow water for further infiltration. However the upper surface of this layer is called the Water Table.



Water table: is the underground water which is between the zone of intermittent/temporary saturation and the upper layer of the zone of permanent saturation. The water table can be defined as the depth at which the ground becomes saturated with water. It can also be defined as the level below which the ground is completely saturated with water. 

The saturated zone beneath the water table is called an aquifer, and aquifers are huge storehouses of water. However the amount of water table is affected by some factors like the nature of rocks, vegetation cover, amount of rainfall, gradient and soil characteristics.


There are two ways whereby water get in to ground which are:-
1. Percolation: This refers to the process where by water on the ground surface seeps down into the ground through joints.

2. Infiltration: is the process where by water enter the ground through pore space of the rock.


Permeability: refers to the ability of the rock to allow water to pass through. Normally the rocks which allow water to pass through is called permeable rock.

Permeable rocks: Are rocks that allows water to pass through either joints or pore spaces. Example of permeable rocks are such as limestone, sand, gravel, sandstone, etc. Normally the permeable rocks allow water to penetrate Via joints (fissures) and spaces, called pore spaces,

Types of permeable rocks

1. Porous rocks: These are rocks that allow water to penetrate via pore spaces. Example sand, gravel and sandstone rocks.

2. Pervious rocks: These rocks that allow water to penetrate via joints or faults. Example limestone, chalk, and granite rocks.

Impermeable rocks: These are rocks that do not allow water to pass and penetrate through. Example clay soil. Normally some rocks are both porous and permeable Example sandstone and some rocks are porous but impermeable example clay.

NB: some thing to remember here is that, not neccesary that every porous rock is permeble unless otherwise if it is allow water to pass through/penetrate because some rocks are porous but do not allow water to penetrate or to pass through example Clay. However clay is impermeable rocks because it cannot allow water to pass through.


Springs: is the natural out flow of water from the ground.

Wells: Is a hole dug into the ground to below the water table. Normally water come out of the rock through the hole which is then called a well.


The artesian basin: is the basin which consists of layer of permeable rock lying between two layers of impermeable rocks.

Artesian well: is a well which is constructed on the artesian basin. Many artesian basins are found in the Saharan desert in areas like:-

i. The great western e.g. [ 1,500,000 m3 ] Algeria.

ii. Great southern e.g. [ 1,700,000 m3 ]Algeria.

iii. Tanezrouf [ 400,000m3] between Mali and Niger.

iv. Fezzan [400,000m3] Libya.

v. Niger [1,800,000m3] Mali and Niger.

vi. Western Egyptian desert [600,000m3 ] Sudan and Egypt.

vii. Chad [3,500,000 m3] between Niger and Chad.


1. They provide water supply for domestic purpose.

2. They encourage agriculture development through irrigation.

3. They provide source of rivers through springs.

4. Hot springs are source of geothermal power.

5. They encourage formation of valuable mineral.

6. They encourage development of tourism industry.

7. Hot springs are sources of medicine.


Causes/sources of pollution of under ground water

1. Pollution can be caused by septic tanks or pit latrines: which have been improperly located or constructed e.g. if they are too close to the well under ground water will get contaminated.

2. Disposal of untreated wastes from residential areas: contaminate the underground water if the water table is too close to the surface.

3. Industrial and farm wastes can sink into the ground and cause pollution.

4. Acidic rain can cause pollution of underground water.

5. Oil spills from tankers, containers pipes etc.

6. Surface runs off containing waste materials: can also enter the ground through the sink holes and pollute underground water.


1. Decline in agricultural productivity: for example if underground water is polluted with acid, plant growth will be stifled and crop failure can occur.

2. Destruction of soil structure: due to the presence of salt ,iron oxides etc.

3. Shortage of water supply: Polluted underground water possesses a health risk and therefore unfit for human consumption.

4. It can cause migration of the people: from the area where the underground water is highly polluted.

5. Starvation and hunger: can occur as a result of crop failure caused by polluted water

Ways to prevent pollution of underground water

1. Provision of education to the citizen: People should well educated enough on how to conserve underground water.

2. Avoiding the use of industrial fertilizers: The use of poisonous chemicals in the farms should be avoided.

3. Proper treatment of wastes: The waste to be dumped in the ground should be treated first so as to render it harmless.

4. Application of recycling: Waste material should be recycled for example plastic material can be used to make pillows etc.


1. By drilling bore holes: This is done by digging the hole into the soil which goes below the water table [water flow at low pressure]

2. By digging artesian wells: Water is pumped to the surface [no pumping]

3. Creation of water tanks or containers: It is done through directing the conteriner in to water channel.

4. Creations of water channel: It is done when water is closely to the earth surface.


Water supply: is the process of distributing water to the sociesties for different uses or purpose.


The amount of water supply to the socesty is determined by number of factors which include both natural andartificial factors such as:-

1. Population size: Normally high population need high amount of water supply while low population size need low amount of water supply.

2. Climate: the abundant rainfall encourage high amount of water supply to the socies compared to low rainfall.

3. Location from the water source: the location of the place has high influence on determining water accessibility. Example if the source of water is at highland areas the water supply will be higher than if the water source is located at low land although is not always.

4. Vegetation covers: vegetation encouraged availability of water supply because it influence infiltration and attract rain compared with an area which has no vegetation covers.

5. The amount of water: when there is high water content therefore also the amount of water supply will be high.

6. The level of technology: high technology encourage high water supply because of good technical skills such as drilling wells compared to low low technology.

7. Capital availability: enough capital support enough water supply to the society because capital will help in buying equipments used in water supply like water pipes, etc.


Water management: Refers to the skillful and careful use of water resources in a sustainable way.
Sustainable use of water resources: refers to the use of water resources in a carefully way by means of ensuring the meeting of present demand without compromising the future demands.

Water resources: Are the products of water which has high value to human life.

Types of water resources

1. Fish: Are the product of water which are obtained through either nets, traps, spears or hooks.

2. Sand: are the product of water which is obtained

through direct digging of river banks or beds by using scoping machines, hands or simple tools like the hand how's. .

3. Salt: is the water resource which is obtained through evaporation of water.

4. Hydro power: is the water resource which is obtained through directing machine machine to produce electricity from the moving water.

5. Decorative materials: are water resources which are obtained from the sea floor or river bed.


1. Loss of quartic organism: this caused by over fishing and water pollution.

2. It contribute to water pollution: water pollution is caused by water transport, over fishing, sand harvesting, etc.

3. Eruption of water borne diseases: These include chorela, typhoid, bilharzia, etc.

4. Destruction of water sources: over exploitation of forest resources resulted in to destruction of water sources.

5. Emission of bad smells due to water pollution.

6. Sources of shortage of water supply: It contribute to shortage of water supply to the society due to water pollution.


1. To apply good fishing method.

2. To enact laws against water pollution.

3. Provision of education to the society.

4. To ensure sustainable use of water resources.

5. To improve water conservation techniques.

6. Population control.


Water pollution: Refers to the introduction of unwanted or harmful materials in to the water which has negative effect to human, animal and plant uses.


1. Exploitation of water resources: water resources harvesting like fishing, harvesting sand, finding decorative materials, etc.

2. Domestic westes: these include despised water from sea wages.

3. Industrial wastes: These include oil spills, solid wastes, industrial chemicals.

4. Agricultural activities: the industrial chemical fertilizers my be transported by rain water in to water source hence resulted in to water pollution.

5. Construction activities: these are such as road construction across the water source.

6. Overgrazing: grazing large number of animals contribute to water pollution.

7. Population expansion: the number of person normally increase with their demands hence resulted in to water pollution.


1. Loss of quartic organisms: Water pollution can lead to the death of species living in the water both plant and animal if the pollutants and poisonous or causes the rise of temperature to extreme levels.

2. Spread of disease: like cholera, diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid.

3. It led to the emission of bad soil smells: hence causes discomfort air. The soil smell is caused by decomposition of the organic matter introduced into the water body.

4. Decline of tourist activities: due to the fact that tourist who depends on water bodies for swimming will find difficult due to the fact that water bodies has been polluted (i.e. presence of toxic chemicals)

5. Change of water colour: The water becomes coloured due to the presence of impurity matetials.
6. Disappearence of water sources: due to pollutants in the water.


1. To improve proper use of fishing methods: This will reduce the rate of water pollution.

2. To ensure proper transportation of oil: The oil container and pipes should be kept properly and frequently inspected so as to avoid the problem of soil spiller.

3. Population control: this will reduce the rate of pollutants and this is done throgh family planning program.

4. Government supports: Through enacting laws against water pollution and providing education to the society.

5. To avoid human activities along the water sources: Breaking of rocks using dynamite should be discouraged and hence alternative ways should be applied.

6. Proper treatment of seawages, this should be done reguraly.

7. Proper management of wastes: Dumping of wastes on the land should be hand in hand with land filling method since random throwing of it leads to water pollution

8. To improve recycling: this will reduce the rate of waste production.



Water conservation: Is the process of protecting water for sustainable use in different purpose.

Reasons for water conservation

1. To ensure constant supply of water [clear and safe] so as to prevent the outbreak of diseases such as cholera and typhoid

2. To reduce women responsibilities of searching for water.

3. To promotes agriculture development.

4. To improve living standard by reducing water bone diseases

5. To facilitate enviromental conservation.

6. To raise the intensity of water supply in the societies.

Methods of water conservation

1. Afforestation and reforestation.

2. Construction of dam.

3. Drilling of bore hole.

4. Creation of water tanks.

5. Creation of water channels.


1. Low level of education: some members of the societies are not awere with water conservation techniques as well the importance of conserving water.

2. Low level of technology: Lack of enough technology for recycling of liquid wastes is another challenge.

3. Rapid population growth: which increase the rate of of water pollution and makes the management difficult and expensive.

4. Lack of enough capital: People lack money for construction of good sewage systems, buying trucks for the collection of wastes.

5. Low priority given to the problem of waste management by the authority.

6. Low commitments of responsible people.


River basin: is an area surrounded by water.

River basin: is the land that is drained by a river and its tributaries (smaller rivers, also called streams).

River basin development: is the sustainable use of river basin resources for economic gain.


Important steps to consider during establishment of river basin project which are:-

1. Construction of dams for water collection.

2. Remove of silt or mud from the river bed.

3. Straightening of water channel for transport purpose, by using different equipments like tractors.

4. Planting trees along the water channel, this will help more on controlling soil erosion.

5. To assess the possible environmental effects.

6. Consideration/studying of river regime.

7. Investment of enough capital.

8. Consider land availability for construction of offices.

Aims for establishment of river basin development scheme

1. Better water use for domestic use, irrigation and industrial use.

2. To ensure hydroelectric power generation.

3. To improve health through fishing.

4. To protect the environment.

5. To improve navigation activities.

6. To control floods.

7. To improve tourism industry/activities.

1. They help in controlling floods: whenever they are established.

2. They encourage environmental conservation: by planting trees.

3. They improve the standard of living: by creating employment opportunities both within the river basin and outside.

4. They encourage tourism industry: since dams are used as recreational centers.

5. They promotes development of timber industries: for example in Canada rivers are used for transporting logs.

6. They encourage river transportation.

7. They support irrigation activities: Water comes from where projects have been allocated helps much in Irrigation, domestic, and industrial use.

8. They encourage urbanization: Influences the growth of towns and industries.

9. They support hydroelectric power generation.

Examples of river basins projects in the world and Africa

In Africa

i. River orange basin in south Africa.

ii. Gezira scheme along River Nile in Sudan.

iii. Rufiji river basin development authority in Tanzania.

iv. Kilombero basin in Tanzania.

v. Kagera river basin in Tanzania.

vi. Tana river basin in Kenya.

vii. Volta river project at Akasombo dam in Ghana.

In the world
i. Tennessee valley project in USA

ii. Punjab on the Indus river basin

iii. Ganges project on river Ganges in India

iv. Amazon basin in brazil

v. Rhine river basin in Rhine river in Germany

vi. Yang tee – kiang basin in Yangtze kiang river in china

vii. Hwang – Ho basin in Hwang –Ho river in river in china

viii. Si-kiang basin in Si- kiang river in china.


1. Displacement of people: The project may cause displacement of people within an area.

2. Source of environmental degradation: The project can also cause environmental degradation and soil erosion in case of poor irrigation

3. Loss of biodiversity: Project may cause loss of some species

4. Increase in debts: They may increase the debt burden to poor countries as many of the countries are forced to borrow from richer countries so as to establish and run such projects.

5. Eruption of diseases: River basin development projects are often associated with the outbreak of diseases such as malaria and cholera


Tennessee River valley: it was established in the tributary of the Ohio River in the tributary of Mississippi river. It starts from Appalachian Mountain in the eastern part of the USA. It spreads across seven states of the USA which are, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North and south Carolina. TVA was established in 1933 by the USA government, is a fully government owned body in charge of development activities in this Basin.

Short term aims/goals/objectives

To solve the economic and social problems of the people such as:-

i. Navigation i.e. to improve navigation.

ii. Flood control.

iii. Provision of reforestation [forestry].

iv. Production and distribution of electricity.

v. Improving farming techniques.

vi. Establishment of recreational facilities.

vii. Industrial development.

viii. Wild life conservation.

ix. Road and railway development.

x. Planning for towns.

xi. Erosion control.

b) Long term aims/goals/objectives.

1. To raise the living standard of the people in the area.


1. Construction of dams.

2. Reforestation on steep slopes.

3. Modern farming methods were introduced such as, Terracing, Contouring etc.

4. Planting of grasses or cover crops on slopes to reduce surface run offs.

However Nine dams were constructed on the main Tennessee River and 23 on its tributaries. 

The biggest dam in the area is Kentucky dam which regulates water of the dams up stream. Therefore all dams are capable of generating HEP, assisting transportation and controlling floods.


1. It has enhenced floods is control, through planting trees.

2. It provide electricity to many people: Provision of electricity to 8 million residents as a result a number of industries have been set up in the valley i.e. copper smelting at Duck. town, iron and steel industries at Chattanooga textile industries at Knoxville, Bristol and king sport.

3. It has increased water supply.

4. It has provided many recreational lakes.

5. It has improved navigation activities.

6. It has improved tourism industry: activities have increased in the valley.

7. It has led to the improvement of fishing industry.

8. Improvement of agricultural education: Education was given to the farmers to prevent soil erosion by practicing better farming methods such as crop rotation and terracing as well as environmental conservation technique.

9. It has provided many employment opportunities.


Amazon: is the river which is found in South America (Andes Mountains). It covers the following countries, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Guyana.

There are many kinds of fish that live in the river, also the basins are covered with the largest tropical rain forests where animals such as alligators, anacondas, monkeys, parrots, sloths and species of insects dwell, also rain forests has the great variety of plants covers approximately 3000 species in 2.6km2 where by the basin covers 7,000,000km2.

Problems facing Amazon River basin development

Due to over population large areas of the forest was destroyed because of the following activities:-

i. Agricultural activities.

ii. Setting and construction of towns.
iii. Construction of roads and railways.

iv. Mineral extraction.

Effects of population expansion in Amazon river Basin development

i. Loss of plants and animals varieties

ii. Global warming.

iii. Water logging (water stagnation).


This was under the Amazon River project which was set by Brazil government together with other American countries.


1. Reforestation.

2. Reduction of pollution and global warming.

3. Proper farming methods.

4. Practicing selective logging.

5. Setting aside protected areas


1. Sustainable forest management under the support of the world wildlife fund.

2. To meet the goals of Kyoto protocol [the government of industrialized countries to reduce the emission of destructive gases by 5.2% this was on December 1997] also to meet the goals of an international treaties to combat global warming.


Punjab region is in the Indus basin. It refers to the land of five rivers tributaries of Indus river like, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, Beas.

Indus River starts from Himalayas Mountains.These rivers flood with water during summer and dry during winter which demand irrigation. The main crops grown are, Wheat, Millet and, Cotton. Other crops are Maize, Barley, Oil seeds and, Sugar cane. Wheat is dry season crop while others are wet season crops.

Problems facing Indus basin

1. Water logging: the impervious soil prevent the water from soaking and also due to the gently slope.

2. Development of salt layers: the surface water when evaporates left salt on the surface leading to the dying of the crops in farms.

3. Population increase: led to pressure on land.

4. Frequently conflicts: There was frequent conflicts in the country which led to poor investment on the basin


1. It has industrial development. Due to availability of raw materials e.g. cotton raw materials processing industries

2. It has encouraged water supply.

3. Improvement of the railways.

3. It has led to expansion of agriculture: Variety of crops were established in the project which was ancient city into the important market centers.

4. It has led to generation of high hydroelectric power.

5. It has made the region to be well known worldwide: The Indus basin has earned the country a world reputation through HEP and irrigation dams e.g Mongla dam on Jhelum river.

6. It his stimulated tourism industry in the region.

7. It has supported much fishing industries.

8. It has generated many employment opportunities to the people.


Rufiji basin development authority: Was authorized by the government of Tanzania in 1975 to plan and coordinate the development activities in the Rufiji River. Rufiji river has two main tributaries which include Great Ruaha and Kilombero River. It is situated in Iringa but there are other centers which are located close to the basin Boarders like Dar es salaam, Morogoro, Mbeya, Songea, Dodoma


1. It has led to the establishment of Hydro power: Twenty two (22) major hydro power sites have been identified in the Rufiji basin of kidatu, Mtera, Mpanga, Ruhudji, Mnyera and Iringa Lukose. It generate electricity which is used within the immediate area in other parts of the country.

2. It has encouraged the development of agriculture: A large number of irrigation projects have taken place in the basin (Improvement of Agriculture production due to irrigation). Sugarcane, growing rice in the kilombero and usangu plains.

3. Development of forestry: 10% of the total basin is covered by forests which are important for regulation of water resources.

4. improvement of industrial sector: Due to the availability of power, industrial activities have advanced in the region hence increase the volume of trade in the country.

5. It has improved tourism industry: Rufiji basin is one of the major tourist attraction in Tanzania i.e. Selous game reserve, Rungwe and Usangu game reserve as well as Mikumi and Ruaha and National parks which are tourist attractions, are located within the basin.

6. It has encouraged environmental conservation.


1. To improve hydroelectric power generation in the country. Through establishment of many hydroelectric power stations.

2. To establish water transport: by introducing better vessels.

3. To establish fishing industry: by using modern sustainable fishing method for commercial purpose.

4. To the nhence sustainable forestry: ensuring sustainable use of forest resources.

5. To improve tourism industry: through improving the potential facilities like better water transport, and good accommodation.

6. To improve agriculture sector: by introducing better and modern method of irrigation.

7. To improve reliable water supply to the society.


1. Lack of enough capital to invest in the area.

2. Poorly developed infrastructure.

3. Lack of enough qualified personnel.

4. Low level of technology.

5. Rural-urban migration.

6. Fluctuation of water levels.
7. Low support by local communities.


It was established in 1977 by the government of Tanzania Rwanda and Burundi then later Uganda joined in 1981. The major aim for the project was to establish massive hydro electric power at Rusumo falls in Kagera.

Characteristics of river Kagera basin

1. It gets enough rainfall per year.

2. It has fertile soil.

3. It has mineral deposits

The expectations of the project

i. Hydro electric power generation.

ii. Increase the employment opportunities.

iii. Improvement in transport and communication.

iv. Cooperation among member countries.

v. Development of mining and agriculture.

vi. Expansion and improvement of market.

vii. Development of tourism.

Problems encountered

1. Labor supply: Is the problem because of people moving from one area to another.

2. The ongoing civil wars in Rwanda and Burundi: as well as political problems in Uganda and the DRC which keep people restless and hence causing retardation in development of the project.
3. Low level of technology among the local people.

4. Hesitations by Rwanda and Burundi who will lose part of their land to give room for development of the scheme


Kilombero irrigation scheme: Is located along river kilombero a tributary of river Rufiji in southern Tanzania.

Aims of the scheme

1. To open up the remote and undeveloped areas of southern Tanzania.
2. To improve the crop yields[sugar cane ] as well as Rice, Beans, Maize and vegetables 


1. High need for rural development of the southern part of Tanzania.

2. The need to end poverty.

3. Availability of large land in the river basin with the fertile soil.

4. Availability of reliable water supply, from the river for irrigation and other uses.

5. High demanding for sugar.

6. Availability of cheap transport services likeTAZARA railway lines.

Advantages of kilombero irrigation scheme

1. There has been flood control.

2. Improvement in transportation system like railway.

3. Increase in sugar production hence decrease dependency on imported sugar.

4. Creation of employment opportunities.

5. It promotes the standard of living of the people through, training and employment.

6. Development of villages and towns i.e. kidatu , makambako, mikumi etc.

7. Development of timber and fishing industries.


1. Poor labor supply due to rural urban migration.

2. Farmers are affected by water borne diseases like cholera and malaria.

3. Change of the volume of water.


1. Water helps in generating of hydroelectric power.

2. They promote transport and communication development.

3. They ensure water supply for irrigation and domestic uses and industrial activities

4. They modify the environment like introducing moisture to the atmosphere which later leads to the formation of rainfall.

5. They attract settlement development.

6. Features like waterfalls attract tourists.

7. They promote fishing industries


1. Fluctuation of water volume.

2. May lakes, rivers and dams spread of diseases like bilharzia etc.

3. Flooding of rivers may lead to destruction of properties.

4. The invasion of vegetation in these water bodies lead to problems in fishing and navigation.

5. Some lakes and rivers provide habits for dangerous organisms like snake, etc.

6. Low level of technology.


Land reclamation: Is the process of recovering of land that has been rendered unsuitable for use to make it usable again. OR Is the process of turning the poor land into a useful state through the improvement practices for economic and social development.


The main aims of land reclamation are as follows:-

1. To increase the size of land available for agriculture purposes: This was carried out in the Tennessee valley. Previously unused land was irrigated in order to increase crop production.

2. To increase the size of land available for human settlement: This may become necessary if the population of an area grows beyond the land is available. It may also create land to resettle people who are being moved from another area.

3. To increase the size of land for the establishment of industries and offices.

4. To ensure sustainable resources utilization.


1. Land may be damaged due to natural hazards like fire.

2. Human activities can also damage the land i.e. poor farming methods, mining and pollution.

3. Cares of water logged land for example swamps and marshes

Methods of reclaiming the land/Land reclamation techniques
1. A forestation or reforestation [planting trees]

2. Tsetse fly control: which is done by clearing, spraying the area in order to kill them.

3. Irrigation: which is practiced where the natural precipitation is not sufficient to meet the crop moisture requirements.

4. Draining water using canals and pumps: can reclaim or constructing embankment for water logged land /marshy areas or wetlands

5. Planting reeds: so as to allow water absorption by plants so as to dry the areas for cultivation.

6. Planting grass cover: to check erosion.

7. Burning reeds: so as to clear the area for cultivation and settlement.


1. To increase availability of arable land for cultivation.

2. To expand carrying capacity of land. This means that the land can be used for industrial areas as well as residential areas.

3. For road and railway construction.

4. To control floods caused by water from the sea.

The best examples of land reclamation in the world is the Zuider Zee land reclamation scheme in Holland (Netherlands).


Netherlands lies between the North Sea [north] and Belgium [south], Netherlands means low lands, it was covered by flood water from the sea, in one part were marshes, swamp land or land covered with poor soil. Netherland occupies an area of 40844 square km. the land in the northern parts of the country have been reclaimed from the sea and made arable. An area of reclaimed land is called POLDER. 

A project drawn by a Dutch engineer called CORNELIS LELLY.


1. To increase dry land for residential and industrial development.

2. To reduce the danger of over flooding and obtain land for agriculture and live stock keeping activities e.g. in 1953, 1800 people died due to the rise of sea level.


1. Dykes /embankments were built to enclose part of the sea water. The sand was imported from Germany and Sweden

2. Water was pumped out of these areas using wind mill and electrical pumps.

3. The dry land was planted with reeds to control weeds and preserve moisture in the soil and to absorb more salt from the soil. When they were dry then reeds were cut and used as mattresses lied on surfaces of the dykes to protect the wall from sea wave erosion.

4. More dry soils were added to the dried areas.

5. Soil was grouped according to the type for different uses.
6. Ditches were cut at the floor of the enclosed land in order to put water into the main pump and back into the sea. In Netherlands the major reclamation projects are;-
i. Zuider zee.
ii. Delta plains.
iii. Warden plains.
iv. Barrier plains.


Zuider Zee Scheme: This was carried between 1927 up to 1933 by a dyke [embankments] of 32m long, 7km high and 180m wide which was built across the sea (south sea). Today the Zuider–zee has 300 polders i.e. over 220,000 hectares [40%] of arable land have been recovered from the sea through the Zuider- zee project.


1. It has raised daily production from keeping white and black type of Friesian and Holstein breeds.

2. Enlargement of space for settlement for people who could otherwise have been greatly short.

3. People and their properties were protected against the sea floods caused by tides.

4. It has ensured enough wzter supply. Fresh water lakes were developed to provide fresh water to the communities.

Reasons for the success of Zuider Zee Scheme

i. Capital of enough capital.

ii. Presence of advanced Technology.

iii. Availability of well informed committed people.

iv. Good government support.

v. Availability of skilled labour.

vi. High needy for dairy farming.

Problems facing Zuider Zee scheme

1. It is too expensive to rehabilitate, or to restore.

2. population expansion has increased pressure on arable land

3. Seepage of sea water has resulted into salination of soils

Examples of land reclamation in Tanzania

1. HADO: Hifadhi Ardhi Dodoma which was started in 1973 with the aim of arresting the accelerating land degradation in Dodoma through destocking , cutting off drains that had been constructed as well as to control surface run offs from higher slopes.

2. HASHI: Hifadhi Ardhi Shinyanga started in 1986 by introducing the indigenous system of forest management known as Ngitiri where by dry fodders are conserved as standing hay hence solutions to the shortage of fodders caused by long droughts.

Methods of land reclamation in Tanzania.

Various efforts and ways have been made to reclaim land in Tanzania. Some of these efforts and methods include the following:-

1. Irrigation: This has been carried out in the dry lands found in Rufiji basin.

2. Drainage: This take place in some parts of Dar es salaam and Dodoma. Example , this include some areas such as Kunduchi and Msasani. Most of this land was reclaimed for settlement.

3. Afforestation and Agroforestry: Shinyanga region is a good example of land reclamation though afforestation. The government encourage planting of trees to create forests as well as planting trees in farm.

4. Clearing of vegetation: This involve clearing of vegetation for another activity. Example livestock keeping.
