What is forest?

Forest: refers to the large area of land which is mostly covered by trees of different sizes and species. It is also covered by some grasses and shrubs.

Forestry: refers to the science of managing forest resources for different human use.

Classification of trees

There are two classifications of trees:-

i. Hard wood such as Tropical rain forest, Deciduous rain forest (monsoon forest.

ii. Soft wood such Coniferous forests.


Forests can be natural or man made (planted)/ Artificial forest. 


Natural forests: these are forest which comprised of natural trees which are usually are free from human influence. They are usually hardwood tree forests. Example Tropical rain forests.


1. They usually consisted of hardwood trees.

2. They consisted of varieties of tree species.

3. The dominated by trees which are familiar to the given area.

4. They are usually free from human influence.

5. They are give irregular shape pattern by its appearance.

6. They dominated by many undergrowth.


a. Tropical hard wood forest.

i. Tropical rainforest found in equatorial region (latitude forest).

ii. Tropical monsoon forest

b. Deciduous forest

c. Coniferous forest


Tropical rain forest: These are forests extend approximately 100N and south of the equator like The Amazon forest in Brazil, Congo basin, Coastal land of west Africa.

Characteristics of Tropical hardwood forests

i. They have trees with evergreen appearance.

ii. They have varieties of tree species such as Mahogany, Rosewood and green heart etc there is little undergrowth.

iii. Trees are arranged in layers.


iv. They consisted of very taller trees.

v. They have trees with continues layer called Canopy.

1. Tropical monsoon forests

They are found in south East Asia such as, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papu, New guinea, Burma, Thailand And sub continent of India.

Characteristics of Tropical monsoon forests

i. They have trees grow in areas of tensional drought.

ii. Most trees they shed their leaves (leaves falling) during the dry season.

iii. They characterized by thick undergrowth of shrubs and small trees.

Example of tropica monsoon trees are such as:-

Teak, Green heart, Ebony, Bamboo, Ironwood


(Summer green forests).

Deciduous forest: These are Forest located between latitude 300N and South of the equator.They are found in Northern china, Japan, Eastern North America, And southern part of Australia.

Characteristics of deciduous forests.

i. They have trees which shade their leaves (leaves falling) in autumn (dry season).

ii. They have trees with broad leaves.

iii. They consists of trees with different species.

iv. They characterized by scattered and irregularly size throughout the forest.

v. They are found in Northern china, Japan, Eastern North America, And southern part of Australia.


Example of deciduous trees are such as:-

Oak, Leech, Elm, Chestnut, Maple, Aspen, Poplar and Birth.


Coniferous forest: These are forsts found between 500 and 700 north of the equator, they are mainly soft woods. Example of coniferous trees are Pines, Spruce, Fir, And larch.

Characteristics of coniferous forests

i. They have trees with narrow and needle shaped leaves. To limit transpiration (loss of water through stomata pores of plant leaves) during winter.

ii. They composed evergreen trees.

iii. They are inverted V- shape.

iv. They have simple root patterns.

v. They are cone shaped trees.

vi. They are found mainly in North America, Scandinavian countries, parts of central Europe, and parts of USSR.


Artificial/man planted forests: are the forests which a consists of man planted tress. They usually softwood tree forests.


1. It consisted of softwood tree.

2. It dominated by trees which may be indigenous to the given area or not.

3. It is usually consisted trees which are planted by human being.

4. Trees are in regular pattern.


5. They characterized by little undergrowth.

6. They consists of trees with the same species.


1. The nature of climate: cool climate and high rainfall support well the growth dense forests in different parts of the world compared to the parts of the earth surface which has high temp and low rainfall.

2. The nature of soil: Good fertile land encourage well the growth dense forests than infertile soil.

3. Altitudes: Normally altitude affected the amount of rainfall and temperature, therefore in a high land areas support the growth of dense mountain gorests but it is not always.

4. The nature of drainage: presence high amount of underground water influence the growth dense forests compared to the areas with dry soil.

5. Biotic factors: Normay dense forests can be well growth in areas which is free from pest and diseases which attack some tree species. Therefore presence of some trees can encourage the growth of another trees, this process is called Comensalism But also presence of some trees species can discourage the growth of another trees, this proxy is called Amensalism.

6. Human activities: human activities has an influence on growth of forest ether positive or negative ways. Human activities can affect forest development in positive way through afforestation and reforestation. But also in negative way through deforestation .


1. They controlsoil erosion: Forests form a protective cover to the ground and hence preventing soil erosion from degrading the surface of the earth. Trees and grasses preventing movement of agents of erosion like water winds and moving ice.

2. They provide natural habitats: Forests provide habitats for animals and birds of different varieties.

3. They modify the climate of the place: Forests contribute to the modification of the climate especially through rain formation and moisture conservation.

4. They produce oxygen: Forests also introduce oxygen in the environment which is produced during photosynthesis. In this process the trees clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the raw material used during photosynthesis.

5. They provide source of fuel: Trees are also a source of fuel energy since they are used for firewood and charcoal making.

6. They provide raw materials: Forests also provide raw materials for paper and pulp industries from which writing materials are produced.

7. They provide building materials: They provide building material like poles and timber.

8. They provide medicines: Some tree species are used for making medicine and also provide fruits as well as ornamental flowers.

9. They supports soil development: Forests contribute to soil development through rotting of leaves which lead to formation of humus. Humus is very important in plant growth.


10. They preserve water dources: They maintain water sources like rivers, catchment areas, springs and lakes. This is due to the fact that forest support rain formation.

11. The encourage the development of tourism industry: Where there is a variety of trees, tourism can develop because of scenic beauty. Hence the country can gain foreign money.


Forest resources: Are different products obtained from forests.

Exploitation of forest resources: is the process of harvesting forest product by using different ways which include both controlled and uncontrolled methods.

Types of forest resources

1. Timber: For making furniture and constructional works or match making for pit pups and making of wood pulp for manufacturing new prints and crayon. In Brazil 30% of timber is used mainly for furniture, harbor piles and clock gates, boat building and tanning extractions, 70% is used for fuel

Raisins and gum: Are obtained from tree balks

3. Fiber materials: For different uses such as shifting for upholstery cushions etc

4. Oil from nuts: Can be processed for vegetabloil.

5. Fruits and flowers: For human and animal consumptions.

6. Medical plants: Including the castor oil plant, salsa parilla, cinchona which are used for making genuine

Ways of obtaining/exploiting forest resource

i. Uncontrolled method

ii. Controlled method

1. Uncontrolled method: Plant cover is removed over an extensive area and leave the land open unreliable to erosion agents like using fires, shifting cultivation, deforestation.

2. Controlled method: Are governed by government directions which discourage the use of fire and encourage sustainable development of forests for the benefits of the people and the creatures that inhabit such places. They include reafforestation i.e planting trees to replace harvested forest resources.


Over exploitation of forest resources can cause the following environmental problems:-

1. Increase in soil erosion: As the rain drops /falls harshly in the exposed soil and remove the fertile soil.

2. Excessive evaporation: This causes drought (problems of water because streams and springs dry up).

3. It can led to destruction of natural habitats: destruction of animal habitat for


living organisms due to deforestation.

4. Accelerated desertification: This caused by prolonged drought of an area since the absence of forest affect rain formation.

5. It can led to environmental pollution: Pollution of the atmosphere which can lead to greenhouse effect and global warming i.e. when forests are cleared by burning adding carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

6. Loss of biodiversity: Disappearance of some species of trees (loss of biodiversity).

7. It can led to shortage of rainfall: Unreliable rainfall due to the excessive evaporation .


1. Afforestation and reforestation: Planting trees where other trees have been cut (reforestation) and planting trees where there never existed any tree before (forestation).

2. To ensure prper land planning: Settlement should be located far away from forests.

3. Provision of education to the society: Educating people on the importance of conserving the forest and persuading them to fully participate in all activities involving forests conservation.

4. Formulation good government policies: There should be clear policies giving directives on the proper use of the forest resources.

5. Suggesting other altenative source of energy: There should be alternative energy resources used instead of depending on the trees. For example there should be the use of solar energy, geothermal power, biogas and HEP.

6. To esure proper forestry planning: There should be careful land use planning in order to avoid destruction of trees.

7. To ensure population control: Population control should be encouraged in the countries so to reduce pressure on the forest resources and the land in general.

8. To ensure the use of proper farming methods: Agricultural method should be improved so as to encourage proper land use. Methods like shifting cultivation should be discouraged.

9. Destocking: The number of animals should be reduced, among the past lists because having too many animals’ leads to the destruction of vegetation.

10. To encourage agroforestry: Agro forestry should be encouraged in the countries.

11. Introduction of high improved tree species: New and fast growing trees species should be introduced.


1. Lack of enough capital: Poor capital especially in the developing countries like Tanzania and Congo.

2. Presence of many tree species: In tropical areas there are so many species but few are commercially valuable.

3. Poor transportation systems: Poor transport especially in the equatorial areas where the land is swampy or water logged due to high rainfall.

4. Existence of dense collected trees: The trees in the tropical areas are so dense that exploiting is difficult.

5. Low level of science and technology: Low technology which leads to the use of poor tools.

6. Problem of acidic rain: Coniferous trees in the temperate areas face the problem of acid rain due to industrial emissions and leaching. The addition of acid in the soil causes the death of trees.

7. Rapid population growth: has led to the depletion of the forest in many places. The trees are cleared for establishing settlement areas and farms.


8. Stiff challenge from other sectors: The forest industry is facing a stiff challenge posed by other economic sectors like development of industries and mining activities.


1. Investment of enough capital.

2. To improve transport and communication systems.

3. To ensure good government support.

4. Training much of skilled labour.

5. To improve science and technology.

6. To ensure population control.

7. To create strictly law against environmental pollution.

8. To ensure proper management of forests.

9. Afforestation and reforestation.


Timber industry: is the activity, which involves the production of timber and other processes associated with timber production. Timber is the wood material delivered from the forest.


1. Availability of food species of forest trees: These species should in a great amount.

2. Availability of enough capital: There should be a capital to be invested in the exploitation of the forests and timber production.

3. Absence of stiff competition: There should be minimal competition from other economic sectors like mining, agriculture etc.

4. Availability of transport and communication systems: There should be efficient and effective transport and communication in order to facilitate coordination of ferrying of timber products.

5. Availability of advanced technology: Advanced technology for effective extraction and management of the forest.

6. Good government support: There should be a strong support from the government financial or through technical advice and organizing market for timber products generated in the country.

7. Availability of enough food supply: There should be reliable food supply for the people who are dealing with lumbering and timber industry in general.

8. Availability of enough water supply: Reliable water supply can also encourage the development of timber since water is needed for washing and cleaning as well as transportation (in rivers).

9. Availability of power supply: Power availability since timber industry needs a lot of power for running effectively. For example in Sweden great Hydro-electric power from the power plant at porous has stimulated the development of timber industry in the country.

10. Availability of reliable markets: Market availability both local and international is another impetus for the development of timber in the industry. Timber industry in Sweden grew fast due to the increased demand for sawn timber and paper in the world.


Until the mid of 1950's Gabon was the leading exploiter in the whole tropical. Presence Gabon was the leading exporter of timber in the whole tropical Africa. The about 4/5 of land is covered by tropical rain forests. Before the beginning of mineral exploitation during 1960s the economy was entirely dependent on timber extractions.


1. Availability of good tree species: The presence of many good species including Ebony, Ocoume, and Mahogany.

2. Availability of cheap transport: Cheap transport by river ogowe and railway line facilitated contributed high to the fast development of timber industry in Gabon.

3. Availability of enough capital: Capital availability provided by large foreign companies which were given concessions to exploit the forests


4. Availability of skilled labour: which is also provided by the foreign companies that were granted concession as well as unskilled labor from the local areas.

5)Constant market for timber produced especially in Gabon. This has been due to high demand for timber in the continent and the world at large.

6. Good government support: The government of Gabon support much timber production in country by finding reliable markets.


1. It has increased government revenue: Forests especially in Gabon contribute sufficient revenue to the economy so as to give her a favorable balance of trade.

2. It has generated many employment opportunities: Local employment especially in Gabon has been generated.

3. Diversification of economy: It has led to the diversification of the economy in Congo especially Gabon. It has encouraged the development of mining industry based on iron ore and agriculture where cash crops like cocoa, coffee, rice and ground nuts are grown.

4. It has led to the development of oil mining: Oil mining also has started after mobilizing resources from the exports products.

5. It has improved the International relations: have been improved between the countries which export trade especially Gabon.

6. Development of towns: It has facilitated the fast growth of some towns and ports like port Owendo.

7. It has led to the development of industrial sector: Some manufacturing industries have developed as a result of capital generated by the forestry industry.


1. Deforestation: There is large-scale deforestation caused by the clearing of vegetation by the man so as to establish settlement and areas for cultivation. The shifting cultivation has contributed greatly to deforestation. Also, excessive cutting for timber production has led to exhaustion of forest reserves in the eastern part such that timber industry has moved further inland to the untouched areas.


2. Shortage of labour supply: There are Poor labour supply since most people concentrate on mining activities, which are more paying than forestry.

3. Shortage of reliable markets: There is also small home market for the forest products.

4. Poor transportation systems: The area situated far away from Ogowe faces the problem of inadequate transport.

5. Presence of many tree soecies with less quality: There is also the problem of the absence of pure tree stands in the forestry area.

6. Stiff competition from other countries: There is the problem of high competition from other major producers like Canada.

7. Over exploitation: Disappearance of valuable species due to excessive cutting and the use of fires.

8. Poor weather condition: Problems of transport since the area receive heavy rains throughout the year leading to water logging.

9. Fluctuation of price in the world market: which has favored timber products from the temperate areas than the timber from equatorial and tropical regions.

10. Presence of dense forests: which tends to be impenetrable leading to timber extraction and transportation.

11. Political instablity: Frequent wars that take place in Congo basin disrupt timber extraction. There is labor unrest due to fear of wars and much capital being used in timber extraction.

12. Competition from other economic sectors: like agriculture and iron mining which have been encouraged by the government for the sake of diversifying the economy of the country.

13. Low level of technology: Lack of education and low technology has also led to mismanagement and depletion of the forest resources in Gabon.


Forest resource management: This is the activity which involves the control and the use of forest resources for different purposes. Forest management is part and parcel of forestry. The importance of forest management is to ensure that the adequate supplies of timber, water, wildlife, grazing and recreation areas are maintained. The forests in many parts of the world face the problem of poor management. This is associated with poor exploitation of resources which is excessive.


Agroforestry: means the practice of inter cropping trees and crops in the same farm. Trees can be inter cropped with crops like beans, bananas etc.

Advantages of inter cropping the trees with crops (agro-forestry)

i) Trees prevent soil erosion while the crops like beans add nutrients to the soil.

ii) A farmer gets a variety of profits from the same farm. That is forest products and crop products.


iii) Family members get firewood from around homestead without traveling very far in search for firewood.

iv) Trees provide shades to other plants on farm land.

v) The rotten trees add nutrients to the soil hence soil fertility.

Disadvantages related to Agro-forestry

i. When large trees are inter-cropped the annual crops tend to suffer leading to decline in production. This is so because the large trees tend to take up most of the moisture, nutrients and block the light from reaching the annual crops.

ii. Some trees are harmful to crops since they produce poisonous substances.

iii. Mechanization cannot be easily done because of the trees.


Silviculture: Is the process of planting trees and taking care for them until the harvesting time and after harvesting replant other trees again.

Example of areas with timber industry


Sweden, Canada and some parts of Japan where coniferous trees are providing most of the forest resources, Major species are oak, chestnut, spruce, Douglas fir, pin, and sugar maple. They have led to the development of timber industry, pulp and paper industry etc.

In Africa the Areas which have Forestry Industry include

1. Southern Nigeria where sapele, and the great sawmills, veneer and plywood factories.

2. The Congo basin where Ocoume and Limba are the most important species. Cameroon utilizes the species like Iroko, Obeche and Mahogany.

3. Ivory Coast where there are plywood and veneer factories. The timber exported includes Mahogany, Makove, and Edinam etc.

4. Swaziland where pinus pastula trees. Swaziland has the forests like Nklangano forests and great forest, the forest industry is well planned and the government finances it. But the problem of forestry industry has been overgrazing. Cutting due to settlement and cultivation as well as frequent fires.

5. Gabon where timber industry is carried out by larger timber companies. The family members also account for 16% of the total production.


Normally Over ½ of the Tanzania is dominated by miombo woodland and very small area is under the forest. Most of the species are hard wood such as Mninga (pterocarpus angolensis), Mvule (pericorpsis angolensis), acacia, grevillea, mpera mwitu, mkarambati, mtunda etc. softwood species are pencil cedar, pines, pinus, podo, black wattle, cypress and eucalyptus. 

Miombo woodlands occupy the central and western parts of Tanzania like Tabora where the Tabora misitu production mill is located Mangrove forest is also found along the coastal parts of Tanzania where there is salty water.


There over 74,304 hectares of forest plantations in Tanzania, which have been established in order to provide either hardwood or softwood or both. Examples of forest plantations in Tanzania include those, which provide softwood only are buhindi, matogoro, rubare and rubya; those which provide hard wood only include kwamkoro, lunguza, loliondo and mtibwa; and those which provide both hardwood and soft wood are rondo, ruvu, kawatere, kiwira, meru, north and west Kilimanjaro, sao hill (mufindi), shume, magamba, ukaguru and usa.


Timber industry in Tanzania is largely located in the rural areas where individuals and some groups run the industry. The government also runs the timber industry but to a small extent. There are many factors which has been contributed to the development of timber industry in Tanzania which are:-

1. Development of transport systems: like the central railway line and the TAZARA railway line.

2. Demand for hardwood products like furniture.

3. Demand for paper.

4. Labour availability.

5. Availability of food supply.

6. Presence many tree species.

7. Good government support.


Nonetheless, timber industry in Tanzania is not well developed compared to countries like Sweden due to the following factors:-

1. Shortage of softwood trees: Most of the species are hardwood while there is a very great demand for softwood in the world.

2. Poor transport and communication systems: Poor transport network is another hindrance. Most of the roads are impossible during the rainy season and the railway lines are not enough since they pass in areas which are far from the timber producing zones.

3. Lack of enough capital: Low capital to be invested in the development of the industry is a big problem. Most of the capital is borrowed from other countries, which are economically developed.

4. Shortage of reliable markets: Poor local market because most of the people in the country are poor and most of them have very low per capita income.

5. Competion from other sectors: Much concentration on cash crop and food crop production as well as mining has made the timber industry keep on dwindling.

6. Low level of technology: leading to poor quality products which do not compete in the world market.

7. Deforestation: or depletion of the forest: Most of species have been destroyed and are still being destroyed because of fires, over cutting for timber production. Cutting for curing tobacco like in Tabora, Mpanda, Ruvuma, and chunya, overgrazing etc

8. Shortage of food supply: This is another problem. The central parts of Tanzania where hard timber is being produced experience some problem of food. The food available is usually expensive leading to inefficiency.

9. Shortage of skilled labour: Labor shortage as a result of massive exodus of young and energetic people from the rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs in the offices and industries.

10. Poor climatic condition: The tropical condition of Tanzania does not favor the establishment of many plantations for softwood species. These species are confined in the highland areas only.


1. Afforestation and reforestation: Different reforestation and afforestation programs have been established in Tanzania in which trees are being planted. Some areas have been declared as reserved in which cutting of trees is strictly prohibited, e.g. amani nature reserve in Tanga.


Establishment of forest research: Forest research centers have been established to conduct more research on the forest and forest products this was under the national forestry research master plan, which was prepared in 1991-1992 which aimed at promoting forest research activities through cost sharing mechanisms. There is silvicultural research center established in Lushoto.

3. Establishment of forest training: Forestry training has started and there special training centers like Tengeru in Arusha and the Sokoine university of agriculture recruitment of qualified and competent staff for local governments is being emphasized and the in service training is being promoted.

4. Improvement of transport and communication systems in the country: These include improvement of old road and construction of new roads as well as railways.

5. Improvement of industrial sector: by the 2015's Tanzanian government has put much emphasis on improving industrial sector by launching the policy known as TANZANIA YA VIWANDA.

Uses of timber in Tanzania

Timber and its products are used for making:- 

i). Furniture.

ii. Building.

iii. Fuel.

iv. Ornaments (like ebony).

vi. Honey collection and beewax extraction.

vii. Making medicine (the neem and baobab trees).

vii. Making tannin like the mangrove trees.


1. They Providing employment opportunities to the people.

2. It has reduced the Importation of timber from out sides.


3. Increase in environmental awarenesse Environmental awareness has increased in the nation thus promoting forest conservation.

4. It has stimulated the development of transport into forests: so as to exploit the products easily, such as the road in southern highlands where the forest with softwood covers 33,200kms.

5. Improvement of living standards: Promotion of living standards of people through the process of making furniture

6. It has raised environmental education: also promoted the conducive learning environment in schools in the country through the supply of paper construction and furniture.

7. It has contributed to tourism attraction: Timber products especially traditional carvings have become one of the tourist’s attractions in the country. Some tourist admires and buys the carvings.

8. Expansion of markets: It has also stimulated the market for food crops since the workers in the timber industry need a lot of food so that they can be able to work effectively.

9. Increase in government revenue: The industry has also contributed the generation of government revenue through selling some of the products locally and exporting some of them abroad. For example Tanzania sustains a small but efficient export trade in high quality timber. It holds a substantial trade in charcoal and logs with the Persian Gulf countries.


The timber industry has several negative impacts including:-

1. It contributed to deforestation: Encouraging deforestation since tree planting speed is lower than the rate of destruction and even the rate of recovery is very slow.

2. It has contributed to environmental pollution: especially the tanning industry, which is the major contributor in water pollution.

3. Decline of other sectors: High capital involved in the establishment of the timber industry leads to the abandonment of other important projects.

4. Destruction of wildlife habitats: It leads to the destruction of animals and birds habitation.

5. It contribute to the loss of biodiversity.

6. Decline soil fertility.

7. It contributes to desertification.

8. It contributed to soil erosion.


The future of the timber industry in Tanzania depends on following factors:-

1. Proper management of the existing forest and woodland areas.

2. The current tree planting and caring efforts.

3. Presence of high awareness among the people on forest conservation.

4. The rate of population growth.

5. Financial position and the commitment.

6. The cooperation between the people and the government.


1. Existence of many poor tree species: The forests have been felled indiscriminately and wastefully.

2. Fire outbreak: Man has, intentionally or accidentally started fires that destroy the forest. Example in Amazon forest in 2019.

3. Lightning: which has started fires in the forest or damaged the trees.

4. Population expansion: Increasing world population causes a demand for forest products and hence encourages excessive exploitation.

5. Competion with other economic sectors: Economic activities such as agriculture are putting pressure on the existing land.

6. Political instability: in most parts of the world has caused random felling of trees.

7. Diseases and pests: which attacks the trees leading to a large- scale destruction.

8. Environmental pollution: Where the industries have been set up near the forests, tree leaves have been stunted and destroyed.


Today the government and non governmental and international bodies have been attempted to offer solutions to problems facing forestry through different ways like:-

1. Introducing afforestation and reforestation programs: This under high tune in Tanzania where the national tree planting campaign has been launched and is being insisted by the government officials.

2. Spraying of forests with pesticides and fungicide: so as to combat the problem of diseases and pests.

3. Removing the infected trees: in order that they cannot affect the others.

4. Improvement of fire fighting equipments: There has been improvement of fire fighting technique and equipment.

5. Training more of skilled labour: in forest management.

6. To ensure clearing around forest: as a means to guide against fires.

7. Provision of mass education: Mass education through different media on the importance of trees and necessity of conserving them.

8. To practice land reclamation: Reclaiming land from swamps and arid areas so as to ease the pressure on forest zones.

9. To improve much forest research: Conducting research on characteristics of trees to establish the suitable species that can be grown in specific areas.

10. To ensure sustainable utilization of forest resources: Ensuring maximum utilization of the trees that have been cut.


11. Enacting strictly laws: to deal with environmental conservation in the country.


1. Lack of enough capital: Poor capital especially in the developing countries like Tanzania and Congo.

2. Presence of many tree species: In tropical areas there are so many species but few are commercially valuable.

3. Poor transportation systems: Poor transport especially in the equatorial areas where the land is swampy or water logged due to high rainfall.

4. Existence of dense collected trees: The trees in the tropical areas are so dense that exploiting is difficult.

5. Low level of science and technology: Low technology which leads to the use of poor tools.

6. Problem of acidic rain: Coniferous trees in the temperate areas face the problem of acid rain due to industrial emissions and leaching. The addition of acid in the soil causes the death of trees.

7. Rapid population growth: has led to the depletion of the forest in many places. The trees are cleared for establishing settlement areas and farms.

8. Stiff challenge from other sectors: The forest industry is facing a stiff challenge posed by other economic sectors like development of industries and mining activities.


1. Investment of enough capital.

2. To improve transport and communication systems.

3. To ensure good government support.

4. Training much of skilled labour.

5. To impe science and technology.


6. To ensure population control.

7. To create strictly law against environmental pollution.

8. To ensure proper management of forests.

9. Afforestation and reforestation.


1. Explain six (6) problems associated with forest resource harvesting to the environment.

2. Elaborate six problems associated with forest resources exploitation in the environment.
