What is industry?

Industry: is all about wide range of economic activities, which may involve making, supplying or delivering goods and services to a large quantity.

Manufacturing: is the process of producing of goods and services in a large quantities by using machines.

Manufacturing industries: Are those industries which involves changing of raw materials and producing new goods and services which has greater value to man.


A). Based on the level

1. Primary Industries (Activities): These are simplest form of industries concerned with extraction of raw materials to be supplied to the other industries. Examples are Farming, Forestry, Fishing and Mining.

2. Secondary Industries (Activities): These include both manufacturing and processing industries. In this category the raw materials are assembled or manufactured into finished goods. They are divided into two groups.

3. Tertiary Industries (Activities): They are not a part of manufacturing at all but the industries whose jobs involve providing goods and services for the public. Examples are transport, trade, tourism, and entertainment, catering (hotel services) medicine (doctors).

4. Quaternary Industries (Activities): These include people who provide specialist information and expertise to all the above sectors i.e. primary industry, secondary and tertiary industries. 

Example is research, design engineering (designers), and computer programming grown in summer in the region. In the wheat zone cotton, maize, potatoes, sugar beet, soya beans, peanuts, flax and tobacco are also grown. Nonetheless, Garden vegetables are grown all over the country. In the North and Northwest Grasslands Pastoral farming is dominant. 

Sheep, goats, cattle, horses and camels are reared. This area is too dry for arable farming since the amount of rainfall is usually below 500mm. In most parts of humid China, pigs and poultry are principal animals raised.

(B). Based on degree of complexity

1. Processing industries: are the ones, which deal with preparing the raw materials for fabrication for example coffee, pulping, decorticators, cashew nut hollered, etc.

2. Fabricating industries: are the ones that deal with making new products from the processed raw materials. For example textile industries, etc.

Manufacturing industries can also be classified as heavy industries and light industries.

3. Heavy industries: are the industries, which involve the production of bulky and heavy products like iron and steel industry, car assembly and ship building.

4. Light industries: are the industries, which involve the production of light and complex product, for example; the manufacture of plastics, textile, cosmetics and paper.



1. Iron and steel industries: these are manufacturing industries which uses iron and steel materials to produce other equipments. These are most important industries which form the bases of other industries.

2. Fuel and power industries: there are branches of manufacturing industries which deal with extraction of varieties source of power. E.g H.E.P, steam power from etc.

3. Mineral extraction industries: these are industries which deal with smelting and allowing of minerals. These are industries which besed on minerals extraction. E.g Cooper, Sink, lead, manganese, Nickel, etc.

4. Metallurgical industries: These are industries which deal with manufacturing of equipments and other tools manufactured from metal materials. E.g Locomotive industries, Automobile industries, aircraft industries, etc.

5. Chemical industries: These are industries which deal with production of developed scientifically materials. E g Acids, bases, medicines, paints, fertilizers, pesticides, papers, glasses, plastics, etc.

6. Textile industries: there are most oldest industries which deal with spinning and waving textile materials from cotton, animals skins, sisal, etc. They usually deal with clothes making.

7. Food processing industries: these are industries which deal with production of food staff for human consumption. Example flour milling, oil miking, meat parking, beef canning, etc.


8. Consumable goods industries: These are industries which deal with production of man consumable products. Example printing, cosmetics, Jewelry, shoes making industries and other luxury goods.


There are several factors, which combine to influence the location of industries. These include:-

1. Availability of raw material: Where raw materials are available, industries develop fast. Some raw materials can be obtained locally, while some can be obtained through importation. In West Germany for example Iron and Steel industry developed in the iron mining areas since iron is a major resource for that industry. But some industries can be located along the coast where the raw materials are imported from other countries. E.g. Japans has its industries located along the coast since most of its raw materials are imported from other countries. Japan does not have enough mineral resources has it imports from outside.

2. Availability of enough fuel and power supply: Some industries are located where there are source of fuel and power. For example coal deposits in U.K and China have led to the location of iron and steel industries in coalfields.

3. Availability of enough skilled labourers: This is connected to labor supply both skilled and unskilled, also determine the location of industries. For example, electronics industries are located in the areas where there is skilled labor. Also, the industries which need high labor like cement industries, are located is areas with dense population.


4. Availability of enough capital: This is needed for investment in machinery, Importation of raw materials and payment of labourers.

5. Availability of reliable markets: also encourages the development of industries in certain country. Where the market is poor the industrial development also becomes poor. Availability of transport and communication. Some industries are located near the transport systems like the railway line because of being bulky.

6. Good government policies: play a great role in the location of industries: The government can encourage the location of certain industry in certain place for the sake of balancing the economic development in certain area and provision of jobs.

7. Government stability: can encourage the development of industries in certain country due to peace and harmony. People feel safe in investing in that country unlike where there are political problems like wars.

8. Industrial inertia and historical factors: Industrial inertia is the tendency of old industries to remain in the same area without shifting to the new area despite unfavorable condition. These old industries continue attracting the new industries because of well established transport system and assured supply of labor as well as social services supply.


1. It provides employment opportunities to the people: to the fast growing population in the world, especially the tropical countries.

2. Industries lead to the diversification of the economy: the economy of the given country it can be diversified and reduce the reliance on one type of product.

3. It contributes to the earring of foreign currency in the country: For example Japan earns a lot of foreign currency because of exporting the manufactured products.

4. It leads to self sufficiency: This means that the country reduce its reliance on imported goods. Hence, its economy becomes stable.

5. It stimulates the development of transport and communication like road, railway lines, ports etc.

6. It leads to the improvement of other economic activities like trade, tourism, agriculture etc.

7. It reduces expenses on imports.

8. It encourage the improvement of social service.


The effects caused by industries can be either negative or positive. Positive effects involve the use of the margin land, which was once useless.

Negative Effects in the Environment Include

1. They contribute to the increase in green house gases in the atmoshere: These include green house gases like Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, etc, which pollute the air. These pollutants, on polluting the air, lead to the formation of acid rainfall and global warming. 

Acidic rainfall leads to the addition of acid in the soil, which in turn causes the death of plants and microorganisms as well as the destruction of building by removing the paints on the walls. It takes place most in German due to high level of industrial emission. Global warming is the general rise of temperature at a large scale.

2. They contribute to global warming: this is due to the increase in green house effect caused by these gases, which trap and retain the energy from the sun in the lower atmospheric level. It lead to melting of ice and increase of the sea level, death of some animals and decline in agricultural production and hence there can occur shortage of food, increase of diseases due to the change in climate. Malaria can increase as a result of the rise in temperature because mosquitoes multiply greatly when there is high temperature.

3. They contribute to environmental pollutions: manufacturing industries contribute much to the environmental pollution which include both air, water, land and noise pollution. Particulate (dust) matters and other solid matters which are produced from the industries get into the air, water bodies or soil and cause contamination.

4. They contribute to the loss of biodiversity: the expansion of manufacturing industries in a given area contribute to the loss of biodiversity due to the increase in pollution and deforestation caused by clearing of vegetation for establishment of industries. Therefore both plant and animal species may disappears due to either death or migration.

5. They contribute to decline of soil fertility: due to the land pollution caused by harmful indistrial chemicals.

6. They contribute to deforestation: industrial activities involving the clearing the environment for road construction as well as for establishment of machines, hence resulted in to deforestation.

7. They accelerate soil erosion: due to deforestation and pollution.


1. Eruption of diseases: Water pollutants cause disease like cancer, typhoid and diarrhea, due to air and water pollution.

2. Decline of agriculture production: Due to soil pollution hence can cause starvation to people.

3. Noise pollution can cause hearing problem: People are also affected by noise and sometimes can lead to problems in the blood circulation.


1. To ensure proper land use planning: The industries should be located far away from the residential areas.

2. To practice recycling: the wastes for example the metal materials should be recycled so as to produce other materials.

3. To ensure proper combustion system: The combustion system in the engines should be fitted with efficient facilities so that the amount of green house can be reduced if not solved totally.

4. The industrial machines should be proper designed: so that to avoid noise pollution.

The part of the machines should be lubricated and the materials used should be like bronze, which do not produce noise.

5. There should be environmental conservation: There should be concerted efforts by the government, non - governmental organization and some committed individuals in combating environmental pollution.

6. Formulation of strong industrial policies: There should be strong policies governing the industrial operations and ensuring that people who invest in industrial development are given proper education on how to handle the waste product properly like recycling.

7. To ensure proper management of industrial wastes: The industrial wastes should be treated to render them harmless to the health of the people.

8. To suggests other alternative source of energy: Alternative energy source which are environmentally friendly like solar energy, natural gas, wing power, etc.

9. Suggesting other economic activities: There should be other activities developed so as to avoid over degeneracy on manufacturing industries only especially in Japan etc.


Ship building in Japan expanded fast after the Second Would War (WW II). The major ship building area in Japan ardistributedma, Nagasaki, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama, Honshu, Hokakido, chiba, Tokyo, etc.


1. Development of trade sector: Japan’s enormous increase in external trade, which led to the increase in demand for merchant ships.


2. Presence of advanced technology: Japan’s large engineering industry has stimulated the development  of ship building.

3. Absence of the old established shipbuilding industry: This has made it easy to introduce modernized industries, since old industries tend to create problems in introducing new technology.

4. Availability of enough skilled labour force: Technology is well advanced and efficient hence has stimulated the fast development of the industry.

5. Development of fishing industry in Japan and worldwide: thi has stimulated the development of shipbuilding industry.

6. Development of forestry industry in Japan: This has contributed a lot since the forest materials are used as one of the components in the shipbuilding.

7. Availability reliable markets: both internal and external markets especially the rich countries.

8. Presence of good government policies: The government policy has supported the industrial development in Japan.

9. Availability of enough power supply: Reliable supply of power like HEP power and Nuclear energy.

10. High need of importing raw materials from other countries: The need to import the raw materials has stimulated the development of the shipbuilding industry in Japan. This is because the country lacks raw material so it imports most of raw material and shipbuilding industry could help in cutting down some coasts of transport.



1. It has promoted trade development in Japan as well as in international level: This is because the ships are for transporting goods both inside Japan and outside.

2. It has enhanced the mobility of goods and services in Japan.

3. It has enhanced the advancement of science and technology in Japan

4. It has improved transport and communication system in Japan.

5. It has created many employment opportunities in the country: hence this helped in solving the problems of unemployment.

6. It has stimulated the development of other sectors like manufacturing industries, mining sectors, and agriculture, and forestry.

7. It has made the country to be well known worldwide in ship building.


1. Natural calamities: The industry is threatened by frequent earthquakes because the country lies within the weak zone of the earth crust. E.g Tsunami which occurred in march 2011.

2. Stiff competition from other countries: like China and South Korea, which are also developing their own shipbuilding industries. This reduces the market.

3. Strong oppositiin from the environmentalists: The industry also faces opposition from the environmentalists and is bland to be of the source of pollution in the world.


Coastal area has been polluted and this affects people and animals.



Automobile industries: Are those industries which deal with production of different types of cars. It is basically the assembly industry. The industry developed at the end of 19th Century. Most industries are well developed in Western Germany. Normally Germany is one of the world’s leading countries after the USA in terms of production of heavy duty vehicles. The heavy duty vehicles are the ones that carry heavy goods (bulky) or do heavy works like earth moving. Examples of heavy duty vehicles include;-

i. Transport vehicles such as containers carries [trucks]

ii. Earth moving machines like bulldozers, caterpillars, drilling vehicles, tractors used for ploughing etc.

Location of automobile industries in Germany

Frankfurt producing Opel, Cologne producing Ford, Stuttgart producing Benz, Wolfsburg producing Volkswagen and other industries are located in Berlin and Dusseldorf.


1. Availability of enough raw materials: like iron, which is important for the manufacture of the cars.

2. Availability of good transport and communication systems: Effective and efficient transport and communication system, which helped in the ferrying of raw material and manufactured cars.

3. Presence of advanced technology: The use of advanced technology in the process of investing and manufacturing the cars.

4. Availability of enough capital: which was needed in investing in the car production.

5. Presence of metallugical industries: The metallurgical industries provide of accessory raw materials need in the car assembly in Germany.

6. Availability of guaranteed markets: High market for the car in West Germany is another factor that facilitated the development of the automobile industry.

7. Availability of enough power supply: There are reliable power supply from the Rhine river and coal, power was needed for processing iron ore to get iron and steel which are needed in the manufacturing of spare for the car assembly.


1. It has promoted trade development in Germany as well as at international level: This is because the cars are being sold both inside Germany and outside Germany.

2. It has enhanced the mobility of goods in the country: due to the use of modern cars.

3. It has contributed fast spread of science and technology in the country.

4. It has stimulated the expansion of transport and communication systems.

5. It has generated many employment opportunities in the country: which helping in solving the problems of unemployment.


6. It has encouraged the development of other sectors like manufacturing industries, mining sectors, and agriculture.

7. It has made the country to be well known worldwide for automobile industry.


1. It contributes to environmental pollution: this include air pollution through the emission of fumes or exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Air pollution has in turn led to the problem of acidic rainfall, soil pollution, skin diseases and smog.

2. It contributes to deforestation: The cars led to the destruction of vegetation which in turn causes soil erosion etc.

3. Increase in rate of accidents: There has been the increased number of accident due to many cars which are produced. Road accidents are as a result of among other things reckless driving accident car veering off the road and tire bursting.

4. It has increased debt crises to the poor countries: because these countries cannot buy many cars due to poor financial position.

5. Increase in over exploitation of natural resourses: like forests and minerals.


1. There are efforts to produce cars, which are fitted with some facilities which cause combustion to take place effectively and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced.


2. Widening the road, tar marking, straightening them and effectively training the driver are reducing car accident. Traffic lights and speed limited are also installed to control the movement of the cars. Also there are special signs and symbols put along the roads to educate the driver and the pedestrians so as to reduce the chances of having so many accidents.

3. To reduce noise some new material are being introduced like bronze and the use of great for lubrication.


1. Strong competition from other countries: like South Korea, Japan, Italy, Sweden, USA and Britain.

2. Shortage of raw materials: Exhaustion of iron deposits will lead to the rise of expenses since the country will be forced to import most of its raw material for the industry.

3. Stiff challenges from environmetalists: There are strong campaigns to reduce air pollution hence encouraging the reduction in the production of especially small cars.

4. Shortage of reliable markets: Povertyin the developing countries limits the market for West Germany.


Cars and Aircraft Industries: These are basically assembly industries that put together various component parts manufactured by other industries.


The motorcars and Lorries are now mass-produced in USA on assembly line. Assembly needs considerable engineering skills. USA is the largest producer of road vehicles and the industry is located along the shores of Great Lakes such as Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo. 

Another important center is Los Angels, in California. Car assembly need a large area of flat land there must be good communication with the industries, which supply component parts. Car industry in USA is facing a great challenge from other countries like Japan centering at Chukyo and Yokohama; Germany centering on Nuremberg, Dusseldorf, and Stuttgart; U.K centering on Coventry, Birmingham, Derby, Oxford, and Dagenham. The motor cars and Lorries are now produced in the USA on assembly line. Assembly needs considerable engineering Skills. 

USA is the largest producer of road vehicles and the industry is located along the shores of the great lakes in regions such as Detroit, Cleveland and buffalo. Another important center is Los Angeles in California. Early modern car manufacturing in the USA begun in the early 1900 and half of the world cars are produced at Detroit and the southern shores of the great lakes. Car assembly needs a large area of flat land and there must be good communication with the other industries which supply component parts. The large units of the car are chassis or frame, engine, body, wheels, springs and column.

Materials needed for manufacturing the car parts are

i. Iron and steel for making the body and engine frame.

ii. Lather and cloth for making the seat covers.

iii. Rubber for making the tyres.


iv. Electric wire coverings.

v. Glass for windows and the wind screen.

vi. Lead for the accumulator etc


Aircraft cannot be mass-produced. They are like shipbuilding which has to be built very many to individual schedules. The first successful flight was made by American Wright Brothers in 1903 and later after the WWI more production started. Aeroplanes are usually assembled in the area where road vehicles are made. The USA is the largest producer in the world with industries near Los Angels at Seattle (on the Pacific Coast).


1. Advancement of science and technology: Pre-existing technical advancement led to the fast aircraft industrial development.

2. High demand for military: Military demands during the World WarI also encouraged the production of more aircraft.

3. High demand for world exploration: There was a strong need for space exploration.

4. High demand for rapid trasport: The need for speedy transport especially when there are urgent cases like rescuing people from floods of earthquakes, sending medicine or taking the sick people very far across the continents and international leaders.

5. The need to avoid physical barriers: like water bodies, mountains, rift valleys and vegetation so as promotes an international contact.

6. presence advanced researches: For air transport facilities.

7. Availability of enoughcapital: High capital was invented to support aircraft industries in USA


1. Advancement of air transport: It has promote air transport and accessibility of different places.

2. It has facilitated the movement people: People’s mobility has also increased since they can move to different places without physical barriers given there is political stability.

3. Advancement of science and technology: It has also helped in the diffusion of new technology in the world.

4. It improve rescues activities: There has been great improvement in the rescuer activities. For example in Bangladesh and Mozambique in 1999 the Helicopters were greatly used in rescuing people who had been hit by floods. In Afghanistan the aeroplanes have been used in proving the bags of food to the refugees of American – Taliban war against terrorism.

5. It improves tourism industry: It has stimulated the development of tourism especially in the USA

6. It improves trade sector: International trade has expanded.


7. Improvement of defense: There has been promotion of defense and space exploration.


1. Financial problem: These are financial difficulties following occasional global economic slumps.

2. Shortage of space: There is limited freedom on air space.

3. Shortage of reliable markets: There is limited market especially in the developing countries.

4. Stiff challenge from other countries: like Russia, China and South Korea.

5. Terrorism: is reducing the market for air transport and hence the industry will be affected greatly. This is due to the fact that most people now fear traveling using the airways.


1. Air pollution: because of introduction of gases in the atmosphere.

2. Acceleration of accidents: in the air and on the road claiming the life of the people.

3. Drug trafficking from countries to countries.

4. Spread of disease like AIDS due to contacts global interactions among the people.

5. Acceleration of terrorism and wars in many parts of the world. The weapons are transported from one continent or country to another.




Textile industry: is the industry dealing with the manufacture of clothes and can be from wool, cotton, silk, linen, Nylon and rayon. The industry is classified as a light industry and is widely distributed industries in the world. It is footloose industry since has a wide range of location factors that is it is not only one location factor. It can be located anywhere.

Historical background of Textile industries in China

Textile industries are the oldest industries that began in Britain, then USA, to China, India, Japan and other countries. In China textile industry was dominating before the revolution of 1949. It was concentrated along the east and along the Yang tse Kiang River. It was followed by iron and steel industry in Manchuria. After 1949 there was more development involvement. The location of the industry became more decentralized such that new industries were located inland.

Location of textile Industries in China

Beijing in the North of Manchuria, Shanghai in the Yang tse Kiang delta (is the oldest textile region due to contracts by visitors from 1840’s), Kunming, Chungking, Lanchow in the central basin of Yang tse kiang river, Human canton, Hubei etc. all these industries are in the eastern part of the country.



1. Nature of the industries: It is light and hence easy to develop since it is less expensive. The materials can be imported because they are not bulky to bring transport problems.

2. Availability of local raw materials: especially cotton and synthetic fiber. China produces cotton, which goes to the textile industry.

3. Availability of cheap labour supply: Cheap labor provided by the local people since China has the highest population in the world.

4. Presence of iron and steel industries: Iron and steel industry lead to the development of machines that could be used in the manufacturing of textile materials

5. The use of local experts: This facilitated the development of textile industry. Some local people were already making textile at a local level hence after being mobilized the textile industry developed faster.

6. Availability of enough power supply: Varies power supplies from different dams led to the effective running of the machines. There are power centers on the great river like Yang tse Kiang and other centers.

7. Good government policies: The government influence through formulating the policy that encourage the development of industries in the county. The five years plan senesced on the development of industrial base. In 1958 Mao Zedong introduced ‘Great Leap forward policy’ and the open policy, which was to allow different people to give their skills needed for the industrial development.

8. Availability Cheap transport and communication: This include using the greater rivers and the Grand Canal.

9. The success of agriculture: Agricultural success was another factor, which have stimulated the development of textile industry. This provides cotton for the industry and food for the workers.

10. Presence of advanced research: Increased research on fabrics and synthetic fibers has lead to further development of the industry.

11. Availability of water supply: Water supply from the river and rainfall has great impact in the growth and development of the textile industry. Water is used for cleaning the raw materials as well as cooling the machines.

12. Availability of reliable domestic markets: Reliable domestic market since China has the highest population in the world, which assures a great demand for clothes in the country.


The textile industry has led to the following advantages such as:-

1. Creation of employment opportunities.

2. stimulation of agriculture sector since it has provided market.

3. Development of other industries.

4. Development of town like Kunming and Chungking.

5. Stimulation of transport and communication.


6. improvement of the living standard of the people.

7. It has improved the international relations.

8. It has made the country to be well known worldwide in textile industries.


1. Stiff competition from other countries like India.

2. Rapid population growth will lead to the problems of capital and concentration of food production rather than cotton.

3. Problems of floods.

4. Price fluctuation.

5. Access of cotton production is another problem.

6. low level of industrial structure.

7. Strong opposition from environmentalists.

NB: Environmental pollution is the problem caused by the industry itself because of dumping waste products in the river and other water bodies, introduction of gases into the atmosphere etc.


Textile industry: is the industry dealing with the manufacture of clothes and can be from wool, cotton, silk, linen, Nylon and rayon. Tanzania has portrayed a negative trend in terms of the development of Textile industries. Most of the textile industries have collapsed such as the friendship textile mill in Dar es Salaam (URAFIKI TEXTILE MILLS) and the existing ones are operating below capacity. 

The major raw material used in the Tanzania Textile Industry is cotton most of which comes from the Lake Victoria regions that is Mwanza and Shinyanga.


The factors, which have been Hindering the Development of the Textile Industry in Tanzania:-

1. High costs of production: due to the high prices of the raw materials especially the imported ones like dyes and some machine spare part.

2. Shortage of reliable markets: Poor market for the textile products within and out.

Internally the industry is affected by the competition from the cheaply imported second hand clothes. People find the Tanzania clothes expensive and this is due to the high cost of production. Also the external market is affected negatively because of the poor quality of clothes which cannot compete with those synthetic fibers.

3. Low level of science and technology: which has resulted in the production of low quality products which leads to poor market or limited number of customers.

4. Poor transport and communication systems: Poor infrastructure like poor roads, poor railway lines etc lead to the poor distribution of the textiles products to different places in the country.

5. Corruption: The industries fund has been running under poor management associated with the misuse of fund.


6. Lack of enough capital: Poor capital availability has been another problem most of the fund has been coming from outside leading to slow pace or failure in the development of the industry.

7. Shortqge of power supply: Unreliable power supply associated with frequents black or have been another hindrance hampering the development of the textile industry in Tanzania. Power shortage has been foreign some of the industries to stop working for sometimes until when the power supply stabilizes again.


1. To invest enough capital.

2. To modernize industrial machines.

3. Training more of skilled labourers.

4. To ensure reliable supply of power.

5. To improves transport and communication systems.

6. To improves science and technology.

7. To ensure proper management of industries.

8. To eradicate corruption.

NB: Nonetheless, Tanzania is looking into the possibilities of reviving the old industries and maintaining those which are still performing in order to stimulate and fasten the process of industrialization in the country. Tanzania has learnt that, textile industry is easy to establish since it is a light industry and can be located in many places because


cotton, which is produced in Tanzania, can be ferried to different places easily because it is not bulky. Textile industry can help in combating the looming problem of unemployment prevailing in the country. Different people both their living. This in turn can lead to the promotion of the living standard of the people in the country.



Locomotive industries: are those industries which deal with production of varieties of trains. Noomally South Africa has many industries and some of these are involved in the manufacture of locomotive (Trains).


1. Availability of enough raw materials: The presence of heavy iron and steel industries as well as engineering industry. These are located in the towns like Johannesburg and Pretoria.

2. Availability of enough capital: Enough capital has ivested to support locomotive in south Africa. Capital was obtained from the mining industry like gold and diamond.

3. High need for cheap transport: The strong need for a reliable and cheap transport system, which could be used in carrying heavy goods from the interior to the port for export or to facilitate the distribution of spare parts and other goods within the country.

4. Good government support: The government policy that insisted the promotion of the transport system so as to stimulate faster industrial development in the country.


5. Presence of advanced technology: The use of advanced technology in the engineering industry.

6. The nature economy of south Africa: Economic sanction also made the South Africa government think deeply in term promoting the local market through the development of cheap transport system especially the railways network.

7. The need to cutt-off importing of locomotive equipments: The country also wanted to cut down costs that were formerly involved in importing some locomotives from countries like Canada.


1. Development of transpot sector: It has enhanced the development of cheap transport system in the country: South Africa railway system especially in the Eastern part is well interconnected.

2. Development of other sectors: It has propelled the development of other manufacturing industries, mining and agriculture.

3. Expansion of trade sector: Trade both local and international has been stimulated.

The goods are carried from the interior cheaply up to the port where they are exported.

4. It has facilitated labour mobility: People's mobility, interaction and technological diffusion have been promoted in the country.

5. It has improved tourism sector: Tourism has been encouraged since the railway transport is relatively cheap and more reliable.


6. It has made the country to be well known worldwide for locomotive industries.


Electronics equipment industry: is the branch High-tech light industry which deal with production of light articles like Television, Electronic watches, desktop calculators, radios sophisticated articles like microprocessors, magnetic discs for computers, computer terminals, software, etc. South Korea is among the Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) whose economy has been growing very due to heavy investment in the industrial development. Other NICs are Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore etc. 

The economics of these countries are referred to as “TIGER ECONOMIES” because they have growing very fast. In South Korea the major center for electronics production is around Taegu in the south where there are more than 150 electronic factories.


1. Availability of skilled labourers: Labor supply in the initial stage of industrial development has been reliable and people are hard working and efficient.

2. Presence of advanced technology: Technology because of advanced education among the people.

3. The flexibility of industries (footloose): These industries they can be located anywhere even if the space is small like in the city center. It does not need very large area.

4. Availability of reliable markets: Ready market for the articles produced in South


Korea since they are of high quality and of the current in the world.

5. Good government policies: There has been strong government support in the industrial development.

6. The success of agriculture: Agricultural development supported this industry especially in creating capital for investment.

7. Presence of good transportation system: Efficient transport system in the country.


1. It has generated employment opportunities: lt has led to ed to the creation of employment to the population of the country.

2. It has stimulated fast information flow: especially through Internet service, which uses computers.

3. Improvement of working condition: The use of computer has stimulated efficiency and accuracy processing bulky data in different enterprises or companies etc. labor work has been avoided through automation of the machine. In some areas there is the use of robots, which can work more than a human being.

4. Diversifications of economy in the country: The economy of the country has risen fast as a result of exporting electronic facilities.

5. Development of other industries: It has stimulated the growth of other industries like heavy industries.

6. Expansion trade sector: The export trade expanded leading to increase international relation between South Korea and other countries.

7. It has contributed the country to be well known worldwide: for electronic devices production.


1. High spreading of computer viruses: The spread of virus computers lead to error in data processing.

2. Shortage of reliable markets: It does not have high market in the developing countries where technology is very low and many people do not know how to use electronic facilities.

3. It has lead to the rapid growth of urban population due to rural urban migration: This has led to the rise of squatters and congestion as well as the decline of rural areas.

4. Shortage of man power: It has contributed to retrenchment of employment (trimming down of man power) since most of the work can be done by few computer more efficiently than human beings. E.g. The use of robots in shipbuilding and car assembly.

5. Strong competition in the markets with other countries: There has been worldwide competition especially from American in manufacturing electronic facilities.


Iron and steel industries: these are manufacturing industries which uses iron and steel materials to produce other equipments. These are most important industries which form the bases of other industries.

Iron and steel industry is very important in the human and economic development process since it has been useful in stimulating the development of other industries like car assembly, shipbuilding and locomotive industries. In this industry iron is made from iron ore by smelting in the blast furnace. The iron comes out of the furnace and cools to form a big iron (It is brittle in nature and hence cannot be made into different shapes). Steel is made by mixing iron with other metals like chromium, nickel and manganese. Steel can be rolled or made into different shapes to make different things like spoons, bars, pipes, rods, sheets etc.


Generally steel and iron industry tends to be located near the sources of raw material (iron ore) and sources of power (coalfield) since they tend to be bulky. The Factors that Influence the Location of the Iron and Steel Industry Includes:-

1. Availability of raw materials: Iron and steel industry tend to be located near the sources of raw material like coalfield and iron fields to avoid costs of transport since the raw materials are bulky in nature and hence heavy.

2. Availabilit of power source: Since coat is still the main source of power, the location near the coalfield is usually chosen. Other power sources like the hydroelectric power station are chosen for the location.

3. Availability of enough water supply: Iron and steel industry is also located near the water source since it needs a large amount of water. Hence it cannot be located in the arid areas.

4. Availability of chap transport: Cost of transport is also considered in the location of the iron and steel plant. For example the America (Labrador) the coastal location was chosen for water transport.

5. Presence of flatlands: Large areas of flat, cheap land are required for the establishment of the iron and steel industry. Hilly areas are not chosen since they need leveling.

6. Presence political stability: The country can dictate the location of the industry in certain place so as to stimulate the development of the regions, which are still lagging behind. Also it can encourage the development of the industry in areas, which are safe or less vulnerable to attack from other countries.

7. Availability of reliable markets: The presence of other industries that use iron and steel as their raw materials like the locomotive, shipbuilding, automobiles, and engineering can influence the location such that the iron and steel industry can be located near these other industries which provide market.



1. Presence of enough raw materials: The availability of iron ore in several parts of USA like in the Pittsburgh area.


2. Availability of enough water supply: Water is needed for the running of the industry especially in the cooling process and cleaning.

3. Availability of chrap transport: Reliable and cheap transport network like waterways and railways lines

4. Availability of enough laboursupply: The supply of labor in the mining of iron ore and the smelting process.

5. Presence of reliable markets: Market availability for the iron produced in USA both within the country and outside like Japan.

6. Good goverment support: The strong government support in the development of the industry so as to create a strong base for the economic development.

7. Availability of enough power supply: Cheap and plentiful power supply from coalfield and HEP stations.

8. Presence of advanced technology: The advancement in technology also contributed in the development of the iron and steel industry.


1. Development of other industries: It has encouraged the development of other industries like Automobiles locomotives shipbuilding agricultural machinery aircraft industries and the rolling stock.

2. Development of agriculture: It has contributed to the fast development of mechanized agriculture in the country due to the production of farm equipment like tractors and combine harvest.

3. Development of transport and communication systems: It has also encouraged the development of transport and communication systems. This has been through the manufacture of cars and locomotives as well as stimulation of railways construction.

4. Generation of employment opportunities: It has created employment opportunities in the country.

5. Development of towns: There has been stimulation in the development of towns like Pittsburgh (the iron and steel capital) Detroit, Youngstown, Birmingham and Chicago.

6. Advancement of power supply in the country: It has also stimulated the increase in the power supply centers for the snake of running the industry.

7. It has provided foreign exchange to the country: Export of the iron and steel products have been earning the country a lot of foreign currency as a source of the government revenue.

8. It has made the country to be well known worldwide in iron and steel industries.


1. Environmental pollution: It has contributed to the environmental degradation and pollution. There is air pollution from gases emanating from the smelting plants due to the burning of coal, water pollution by introducing some metal material in water and other chemicals, soil erosion due to the clearing of vegetation when establishing the industry and infrastructure as well as noise pollution.


2. Over exploitation of iron ore minerals: It has been facing a lot of limitation like iron or exhaustion strong restriction on the use of coal as the source of energy from the environmentalists, it is also expensive to establish since it needs a lot of capital and finally the stiff challenge from other countries with the same industry like China, Japan, Canada, Germany etc.

3. Transportation difficulties: It is involves bulky and heavy materials, which bring problems in the transportation. Transporting such bulky materials involve a lot of costs.

4. It led to unemployment: Its stimulation on mechanization has led to unemployment since the machines are now doing the work that was being done by the people.


Iron and steel industries: these are manufacturing industries which uses iron and steel materials to produce other equipments. These are most important industries which form the bases of other industries.


Among the East Africa countries Tanzania has the brighter future as far as iron and steel industry is concerned. The bright future is due to the following factors:

1. About 500 million tons of iron deposits have been discovered to exist in Linganga area (Songea): In Liganga iron is present in large quantity in the titaniferous magnetite iron ore deposits. The deposits are near the surface and hence it will be easy to work on them. The other area where there are iron ore deposits in Tanzania is Kisaki in Morogoro.

2. There are large deposits of power resources: which include Chetewaka and Mchuchuma area along Manda to Ludewa road in western Songea with about 300 million tons of Anthracite coal and 20 million tons at Ilima area.

3. High demanding of construction matrials: The existing high demand for construction materials like iron bars have stimulated the government to think on establishing parts of Tanzania.

4. The existence of steel rollong industries: The existence of the present steel rolling industry in Tanga has led to a strong inspiration for establishing iron and steel rolling industry.

5. Existence of othet source of power: There also exists other source of power like HEP especially at the stiegler’s gorge which will provide about 2400 megawatts of power supply in the country. These will provide power for the iron and steel industry.

6. High need to reduce of importing costs of iron and steel material from outside: The need to cut down costs incurred in importing the iron material from other countries.

7. Presence of good govenment plans: The government through the National,


Development Corporation (NDC) thinks of exploiting these deposits for the future. This will take place in phases. In this plan it has thought of involving the private sectors in the development of this industry like the SITA steel rolling industry in Dar es Salaam (Tabata).


1. It will creates employment opportunities for the population: especially in the southern parts of Tanzania.

2. It will leads to local supply of steel materials: to the steel-rolling industry in Tanga.

3. This will cut down costs of importing steel from other countries: hence will save a lot of government revenue that could be used in importing steel.

4. It will facilitate the construction sectors: such that stronger buildings and bridges will be set up.

5. It will facilitate the development of transport and communication in the country.

6. It will improve Agriculture sector: agriculture also will also improve since farm implements will be produced in a greater quantity and will be cheap compared to the imported iron and steel materials.

7. It will facilitates the expansion of tourism sector in the country: due to the imprisonment of transport and communication systems.

8. It will make the country to be well known worldwide for iron and steel industries.



1. Lack of enough capital: since Tanzania economy is very low.

2. Low level of science and technology: This has led to the existence of poor skilled manpower.

3. Poor transport and communication systems: There are poor transport and communication systems such that the transportation of iron and steel materials will be problematic.

4. Shortage of reliable markets: Poor internal market is another hindering factor delaying the development of iron and steel industry in Tanzania.

5. Poor industrial base: Traditionally Tanzania has poor industrial based since it has been depending on agriculture as its economic backbone (Economic Mainstay).

6. Shortage of skilled labourers: Due to limited level of science and technology.

7. Poor management of industrial machines: This bring the problem of short term sustainability of machinery parts.

8. Lack stable industrial policies in the country: This problem has been caused by variation in priorities among the government which come in to power on different time. Example government has much put emphasis on agriculture, hence this limits the development of industrial sector.


1. High profit generated by industrial sector: The government found that selling processed products was more economical.

2. High need to expand national economy: There was a strong need by the government to diversify the economy rather than depending on agriculture only. Over dependence on agriculture only was risky as putting all the eggs in one hanging basket such that one’s it falls the owners suffers a great loss of having all eggs broken. Hence the economy that depends on one economic aspect has the risky of experiencing a horrendous total collapse.

3. High need to solve the problem of unemployment: There was a need to provide employment opportunities to the young people most of whom were from different learning institution like universities. Hence these could locally and relatively cheaply, provide skilled labor rather than depending on the foreigners whose labor was expensive.

4. High need to cut down importing cost of goods: There was also a great need to cut down on imports that were expensive and save the foreign exchange earnings for a more comprehensive national development process. The saved foreign exchange could be used in establishing other important economic project especially those related to industrial development.

5. To facilitate the exploitation of the local available resources: rather than exporting them to other advanced countries where they are manufactured and then resold to our countries more expensively.

6. Presence of many sources of power in the country: supply in the country like hydroelectric powers.

7. Good government policies: Especially the government of 2015-2025 under the president Jonh Joseph Pombe Magufuli has put much emphasis on industrialization in the country.

8. Expansion of transportation systems in the country: Example improvement of the old roads and railways which facilities the movements of goods and raw materials in the country. However nowadays the government has started to construct new standards gauge railway which run from Dar-es-Salam to Dodoma via to Morogoro region.

9. Rapid population growth: Normally the Tanzanian population is approximately to be 60 millions, however this stimulate high demand for goods and services in the country, hence population create the source of markets for industrial goods like construction materials.



1. To build a strong industrial base: for the countries in order to have fast economic development.

2. To cut down costs on imported goods: made of steel (Import substitution).

3. To produce enough steel materials: Tanzania especially a wanted to become self sufficient on steel materials (The aim was promotes self reliance in the process of industrial development).

4. To create many employment opportunities in the countries.

5. To diversify the national economy: so that their incomes could be stable.

6. Presence of many sources of power supply like hydroelectric powers, etc

7. Good government policies: both east African governments emphasis on steel rolling industries.


1. It has facilitated the construction process: strong tall buildings, bridges, etc.

2. It has helped in the recycling process: leading to proper management of wastes.

Some of the worn out metallic materials are sent to the industry to be smelted and roiled into steel bars for other important use.

3. Steel rolling industry has lead to the creation of employment: among the people in East Africa.

4. It has improved small Industries: Which use appropriate technology (AT) has emerged, for example Jua Kali. These use some of the materials produced from the steel rolling industries.

5. It improves markets: to the power produced from different power resource centers.

The power is needed for smelting the iron materials before they rolled.

6. Expansion of transport sector: It has stimulated improvement in transport and communication network especially as a result of the constructing bridges etc.

7. It improves national income.

8. It has led the country to earn a lot of foreign exchange.


1. Low level of technology: This bring difficult in production of products with high quality, how wever low technology cause poor management of industries.

2. Shortage of enough capital: This limits the effort of modernizing industries.

3. High problem of labour mobility: People are so migratory (they keep on moving from place to place and hence they cannot concentrate on production).

4. Political instablity: like civil wars also hinder industrial development in East Africa.

5. Low government support: on the industry development. Policies are not giving strong emphasis on the manufacturing industries. The priority is given on processing industries.

6. Shortage of raw materials: Some of the available resources are of poor quality and some tend to exhaust quickly.

7. Poor transport and communication: Hence, the transportation of manufactured goods and raw material is very costly.

8. Shortage of labour supply: to the industrial places due to low skills or death of young and energetic people due to accidents and diseases like HIV/AIDS.

9. Shortage of reliable markets: Limited or poor marketing system. The local people have low purchasing power while the international market is highly competitive and most of our products are primary in nature hence do not have strong market command.

10. Poor research: There are poor research activities that take place in the country, and those, which are being carried out, take quite a long time while the demands are cropping so high day after day.

11. Explosive population growth: Thi is because more attention is given on solving population problems like diseases and food supply abandoning the development of industries.

12. Natural hazards: This also pose a great problem especially in the location of the manufacturing industries. For example there is a great fear in establishing or locating the industries in Rungwe (Mbeya) because of sporadic earthquakes that pose a great menace of problems to people.



1. To improve transport and communication: there should be improvement in transport and communication systems.

2. To improve science and technology: there should be improvement in science and technology so as to facilitate industrial growth.

3. Formulation of good government policies: he government should formulate policies which support industrial development in the country.

4. To ensure proper utilization of resources: The local resources should be explored and exploited for industrial use.

5. To ensure population control: There should be control of population growth so that the capital can be invested in industrial development rather that supporting the rapid growth of population.

6. Involvement private sectors in industrial sector.

7. Training more of skelled labourers.

8. To improves research department on finding more of reliable.


1. To improve science and technology: Improving science and technology through training and educating people. The skilled labor should be utilized in the industrial processes.

2. To ensure reliable power supply: The energy supply should be improved so that the machines can utilize effectively.

3. To improve good goverment policy: The policy should put more emphasis on the modernization of industries especially developing heavy industries should use local resources like iron ore from Liganga and Kisaki. Emphasis on food processing industries should not overshadow the development of heavy industries since these industries lead to fast economic development. They also encourage the development of other industries.

4. To ensure involvement of private sector: Also there should be wider chance given to the private sector to invest in the industrial development rather than leaving the whole burden to the government which is not having enough capital.

5. To improve quality of goods: The quality of products should be improved so that they can get market outside.

6. To ensure population control: Modernization will take place fast once there is a strong control of population growth. Population growth creates pressure for land and hence industrial location tends to be problematic.

7. To expand regional integration: Another way that Tanzania can purse in the modernization of its manufacturing industry in through being a member of international organization. These help in the diffusion of technology and expanding the market for the manufactured goods.

8. To improve transport and communication: There should be improvement in transport and communication in order to facilitate the movement and distribution of manufactured goods to different places air transport.


1. Validate the statement that Tanzania has potential development of iron and steel industries by giving Seven points.

2. Elaborate six (6) expected advantages of iron and steel industries in Tanzania.

3. Why East African countries are putting much efforts on improving industrial sector but still there is high importing of iron and steel materials from the outside countries? (Six points)

4. How Tanzania Can Modernize Her Manufacturing Industry?

6. What is the Role of the Steel Rolling Industry in East Africa?

7. Show the Rationale behind the development of Steel Rolling Industry in East Africa. Six points.

8. Why was faster development of industries after independence in Tanzania? Six points

9. The Tanzanian sector of Iron and steel industries has a bright future (future prospects) for its own development. Discuss this statement by giving six points.
