01. The concept of geography

1. a). Give the meaning of each of the following terms:-

i. Geography

ii. Environment.

2. Explain in five the interrelationship between geographical phenomena

3. Give five points why do we studying geography?

4. a). Name two major components of the environments. b). List down five minor components of the environments.

5. Outline five importance of environment to man.

6. Mention three major branches of geography.

7. Name five brsnches of practical geography.

02. The solar system

1. With sketched diagram, define the term Solar system

2. Name five components of the solar system

3. a). Describe the importance of the components of the Solar system. b). Outine three criteria for a body to be a planet.

c). Why Pluto is no longer a planet? Give three reasons.

4. Define the term Solar Energy.

5. Suggest different uses of solar energy

6. Explain how the use of solar energy promotes environmental conservation.

7. Explain how Solar energy may contribute to the emancipation of women.


8. Define planet and list the names of the planets

9. Describe the characteristics of Comets, Asteroids, Meteors, and Satellite

10. By sighting examples from Tanzania, narrate local incidents linked to meteorites

11. Describe the shape of the Earth and its evidences.

12. Describe the types of earth's movements.

13. Describe the term Rotation.

14. Give evidence to prove that earth shape is sphere.

15. Explain the significance of earth's rotation.

16. Give out five importance of the earth revolution.

17. With sketched diagram, explain the process of revolution.

18. Describe the results of Earth’s revolution around the sun.

19. Define the parallels and meridians

20. Describe how latitudes and Longitudes are determined.

21. Explain the importance of a great circle

22. With sketches diagram discus the importance of parallels and meridians

23. Determine the local time in given two lines of longitude and time of one longitude

24. Define time and time zone

25. Explain the essence of time and time zones

26. Explain variation of standard time in a single country

27. a. Define international date line (IDL)

b. Describe how the international date line is used.

c. Why international date line is zigzag?


28. Sketch the world map and show the position of IDL 

03. The major features of the Earth's surface

1. Explain the meaning of a continent

2. Describe the distribution and size of the 7 continents

3. Identify the major features of the Continents.

4. With vivid examples define water body.

5. a. Identify five oceans of the world.

b. Identify five seas of the world.

6. With diagram describe the features of ocean floor.

7. Draw the map to show the distribution of contents.

8. a). Name five major rivers in Africa.

b). List down five major rivers found in Tanzania. c). List down five major lakes found in Tanzania.

9. a). Name four main types of mountains.

b). With examples identify three types of volcanic mountains.

10. a). Draw the diagram and locate the major parts of ocean floor profile. b). Identify three types of islands.

11. a). List down five factors influencing ocean currents. 

b). Define and identify two types of ocean movements. 

c). Define the following terms:-

i. Ocean.

ii. River.


iii. Rift valleys.

iv. Basin.

v. Plain.

vi. Lake.

d). Differentiate the following terms:-

i. Tributary from distributary.

ii. Ocean waves from ocean tides.

04. Weather

1. Define Weather

2. Describe the importance of weather.

3. Describe the relationship between weather and human occupations.

4. Name seven elements of weather.

5. Explain the importance of different elements of weather.

6. a). Define weather station.

b). Outline five conditions necessary to be considered before establishment of weather station.

7. Give the name of instruments used to measure the elements of weather below:-

i. Precipitation.

ii. Wind speed.

iii. Wind direction.

iv. Atmospheric water vapour.


v. Sunshine.

vii. Atmospheric pressure.

viii. Temperature.

8. Describe characteristics of a Stevenson screen.

9. Give five importance of weather forecasting.

10. a). Explain three form of precipitation.

b). With aid of diagrams identify three types of rainfall.

11. Outline five factors affecting the temperature of the place.

12. List down five factors influencing the distribution of rainfall in the world.

13. Define the following terms:-

i. Weather

ii. Weather forecasting.

iii. Temperature.

iii. Precipitation.

iv. Humidity.

05. Climate

1. Identify six factors influencing the climate of the place.

2. Identify the major types of climatic regions in the world.

3. Identify five characteristics of equatorial region.

4. Differentiate between Weather and Climate.

5. a). Identify two major parameters of climate.


b). Describe the relationship between human activities and Climate.

6. Using necta form two past papers study Climate condition of station X.

i. Determine annual range temperature

ii. Compute annual temperature

iii. Determine annual mean of temperature

iv. Calculate the Annual rainfall.

v. Mention 3 cash crops may grow in this station.

vi. With 3 reasons suggest type of climate for station X.

7. Identify three causes and three effects of Climate change.

8. Identify three human activities taking place on the following climatic regions.

a. Equatorial gerions.

b. Tropical/Savannah regions.

c. Desert regions.

06. Map Work

1. a). Give the mraning of each of the following terms:-

i. Map.

ii. Scale.

iii. Orientation.

iv. Bearing.

v. Essentials of the map.

b. With examples explains three different types of Maps.


2. List down five essentials/components/map supportive contents or comlonents of a good map

3. List down five methods used to locate the direction of the place on the map..

4. a. Define a scale

b. Explain main 3 types of scale of a map.

c). Identify three techniques of expressing map scale.

5. a. Distinguish sign from symbols.

b). List down five usefulness of map inbyour societies.

6. Identify three ways of measure distance on a map and convert to the actual ground by using scale

7. Using sample of sketched map, use different methods calculate area of regular and irregular figures.

8. Using topographical maps, explain 5 techniques used to locate position on the map.

9. Explain how can find direction and bearing of objects on map and in the environment.
