This article contain all Geography questions for ordinary level (Form Two) based in Tanzania.


1. With example identify and define human activities. Give four points.

2. Elaborate six problems associated with human activities on the environment.

3. Examine six contributions of human activities to the national and personal development.

4. Propose six measures to combat the problems caused by human activities on the environments.

5. Identify four types of pollutants.


1. Define and identify two major branches of agriculture.

2. Give the meaning of the following terms:-

i. Hotculture

ii monoculture.

iii. Mixed farming.

iv. Rotational agriculture.

v. Crops rotation.

3. a. Identify main types of agriculture.


b). Identify and define three types of small scale agriculture.

4. Identify six drawbacks facing small scale farmers.

5. Expalain six ways through which small scale agriculture can be improved.

6. Describe three advantages and three disadvantages of small scale agriculture

7. Outline five advantages of small scale agriculture over large scale agriculture.

8. Explain the effects of rapid population growth over small scale agriculture.

9. Discuss six necessary factors influencing the development of agriculture to the respective country.

10. List down any five major crops grown in large scale agriculture.

11. Describe characteristics of large-scale agriculture.

12. Give out six contributions of cash crops production in Tanzania.

13. With examples from Tanzania explain the hindrances limiting the development of large scale commercial agriculture.

14. Assess six contributions of livestock keeping to the socio-economic development of Tanzania.

15. Give out three benefits and three constraints of livestock keeping in Tanzania.

16. In six points compare and contrast between livestock kept in Australia and Tanzania.

17. By giving six points show what should be done to improve commercial livestock keeping in Tanzania?


18. Identify six environmental problems caused by agriculture on the environment.

19. Suggest six ways to minimize environmental problems caused by agriculture.


1. Outline five sources of water.

2. Elaborate six economic importance of water in the societies.

3. Discuss six factors affecting the distribution of water supply in the society.

4. Explain the relationship between vegetation and water supply

5. Explain how the distance to water source from society affects the young girls.

6. Discuss six impacts of water scarcity to the young girls.

7. Identify five ways used to conserve water for sustainable use.

8. Elaborate six challenges limiting water conservation.

9. Highlight six benefits of developing river basin projects.

10. Identify five prospects of Rufiji river basin authority (RUBADA).

12. Explain six problems facing Rufiji basin development authority (RUBADA).

13. Explain five major aims for land reclamation.

14. Describe five techniques used in land reclamation in Tanzania.

15. Outline four types of underground water.


16. Identify five ways of harvesting/tapping underground water.

17. Identify five products/resources obtained from water.

18. Identify five methods used for extracting water resources.

19. Assess six problems caused by water resources harvesting to man and environmental at large.

20. Give the meaning of the following terms:-

i. Land reclamation.

ii. Water.

iii. Hydrological cycle.

iv. Hydroelectric power.

v. Water pollution.

vi. Water supply.

21. a). Outline five necessary requirements for establishment of hydroelectric power. b). Identify five hydroelectric power stations in Tanzania.

22. Elaborate six importance of hydroelectric power in Tanzania.

23. Examine six obstacles facing the establishment of hydroelectric power projects in Tanzania.



1. Identify main two types of forests

2. Identify six factors influencing the distribution of forests in the world.

3. Identify six importance of forests to man and ecological life.

4. Prove the statement that forest play important role to social and economic development.

5. Identify five products obtained from the forests.

6. Assess six importance of timber production to the respective country like Tanzania.

7. Discuss six bottlenecks limiting the development timber production in Tanzania.

8. Explain six factors for the success timber production in Gabon.

9. Briefly explain six problems facing forest resources harvesting in Tanzania.

10. Describe ways of addressing problems facing forest resources expploitation in Tanzania.

11. Assess six environmental problems associated with unsustainble forest resources harvesting.

12. Propose six measures to overcome the problems caused by poor forest resources harvesting.

13. Identify six factors for the development of forestry industry to any country.

14. Give the meaning of the following terms:-

i. Forests.


ii. Foreat resources.

iii. Expoitation of forests.

iv. Sustainable use of forest resources.

v. Unsustainable use of forest resources.


1. Propose six factors influencing the development of mining industry to any country.

2. Name different types of mining industries.

3. Identify major types of minerals found in the world.

4. Identify three methods of mining.

5. Highlight six contributions of mining to the social economic development of Tanzania.

6. Identify six problems facing mining industry in Tanzania.

7. Suggest six strategies which can be applied to improve mining industry in Tanzania.

8. Assess six impacts of mining industry on the environments.

9. Suggest six ways of minimizing the problems of mining to the environment

10. Explain the importance of oil production in middle East.

11. Discuss three advantages and three disadvantages of natural gas production in Tanzania.



1. Discuss six factors which contribute to the development of tourism industry to the respective country like Tanzania.

2. Explain in six points the importance of tourism to the socio-economic development of Tanzania.

3. Identify and explain six tourist attractions/honey pots in Tanzania.

4. Point out six challenges facing the development of tourism in Tanzania.

5. Discuss six disadvantages of tourism industry to the visited country.

6. Assess six environmental threats caused by tourism activities.

7. By giving six points suggest ways of addressing the negative impact of tourism activities on the environment.

8. Elaborate six factors for the development of tourism in Switzerland.

9. Highlight six importance of tourism in Switzerland.

10. In six points show what should be done to increase the income from tourism industry in Tanzania?

11. Discuss the lessons that can be drawn by Tanzania from Switzerland in promoting tourism industry. Sx points.

12. Identify five principles of eco-tourism.

13. State five benefits of encouraging green tourism in the world.



1. Identify six factors to be considered before establishment any kind of manufacturing industry.

2. Discuss six determinants for location of manufacturing industries.

3. Give out the importance of manufacturing industry to the respective country like Tanzania.

4. Describe the types of manufacturing industries in East Africa.

5. Identify products of Each type of manufacturing industry

6. Name factors necessary for location of industries.

7. Assess six environmental problems caused by manufacturing industries.

8. Suggests six measures to solve the environmental problems caused by manufacturing industries.

9 Explain factors for the development of cars production in Japan.

10. Discuss six factors which has been contributed the success of electronic equipments production in south Korea.

11. Which lessons should Tanzania learn to modernize her manufacturing sector from Japan and South Korea? Six points.



1. Give the meaning of the following terms:-

i. Power.

ii. Energy.

iii. Renewable energy.

iv. Non renewable energy.

2. Explain six factors for the development of energy and power production to any country.

3. Identify six challenges limiting power and energy production in Tanzania.

4. Solar energy is more environmental friendly but why is less applicable in Tanzania? Six points.

5. Why the fuel wood is much applicable to most developing countries like Tanzania than other energy resource.

6. Discuss the problems facing the processes of power and energy harnessing in Tanzania.

7. Suggest six ways of addressing power and energy harnessing problems.

8. Assess six environmental problems caused by energy and power resource harvesting.


1. Describe the main three types of transport system in the world.


2. Explain the importance of transport in Tanzania.

3. Identify six factors for the development of transport and communication to any country.

4. Discuss six problems facing transport in East African countries like Tanzania.

5. Explain the measures to address transportation problems in Tanzania.

6. Elaborates six environmental problems associated with translortation activities.

7. Suggest six ways to solve the problems caused by transport.

8. Give out six problems of road transport in Tanzania.

9. What are the ways to put in place to modernize transport sector in Tanzania?
