Urbanization: The building of houses in a proper way such as the streets contributed to the mushrooming of the urbans in various areas of colonial Africa.
Rural urban migration: Living in good houses along with other better social services attracted some Africans to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of a better life.
Transformation of African culture: The Africans abandoned building structure and turned to the European structure of houses. This contributed to the transformation of African culture along with other factors.
Facilitate colonial production: The presence of residential areas near the production areas ensured constant labor supply in the production areas hence the facilitation of production.
Ensured European markets: When the natives turned to preference of European building structure, markets for European building materials increased in Africa building material such as cements, iron sheets and other look better than rural areas.
Improvement of infrastructure: In the urban areas, housing went along with improvement of sewage system etc. this made the urbans look better than areas.
Creation of uneven development in Africa: The urban areas which had good houses were well developed than the rural areas.
Exploitation: Existence of houses near production areas made the Europeans exploit African labor to the maximum. The working hours were extended.