Importance of African Nationalism

African nationalism

The term nationalism is derived from the concept of nation. A nation is a collection of people who share, or are perceived to share, some common characteristics. 

These characteristics include, among others, language, ethnicity, religion, and customs. On the basis of these shared values, people are seen as belonging to a ‘community.’ Scholars of nations and nationalism have come to think of nations as ‘imagined communities.’

African nationalism is a political movement for the unification of Africa (Pan-Africanism) and for national self-determination. 


Nationalism can be defined as philosophies or beliefs that are intended to promote the interest of the nation.

 Importance of African nationalism 

Africa n nationalism had the following importance to the continent: -

i. Nationalism created a sense of unity within the colonial territories.

This was due to the fact that different ethnic groups which belonged to the same colonial master came to understand that they were one people facing similar problems. They began working together under mass political parties. Hence this brought about unity among the fragmented African tribes and ethnic groups.

ii. Nationalism created the foundation for Modern states of Africa.

Nationalism united many regions and tribes in every African nation and made the people of every nation feel that they were one and fight to bring independence to the whole nation. Currently these African nations have their governments, constitutions, flags and other national symbols. Also due to nationalism different national building philosophies and ideologies were put to guide these nations E.g Socialism and self-reliance (ujamaa na kujitegemea) 1967 Tanzania, Humanism (ubhuntu) Zambia, Common Man’s charter in Uganda 1969. 

iii. It was a means by which Africa n showed political awareness against the economic exploitation by white men in Africa during the 19th century and the 20th century. Africa n strongly opposed land alienation, forced labour and taxation imposed by the white men.

iv. Anti-colonial movements strengthened Pan-Africanism.

Pan-Africanism was a movement that was established by African Americans in America in order to unite all black people in Africa and other places of the world and fight for their rights including self-determination (independence).

The movement made the people of African origin the world over to join their strength and fight for their rights, For example in 1945, Pan-Africanism had the conference that was held in Manchester, the Manchester conference was very productive Pan-african meeting since it was attended by many African nationalists such as Namdi Azikiwe (Nigeria) Peter Abrams (South Africa), Jommo Kenyatta (Kenya), Dr. Hasting Kamuzu Banda (Malawi) Leopard Sedar Senghor ( Senegal) to mention a few, during the meeting it was agrred that the headquartes of the organization should be shifted to Africa and this later led to the formation of O.A.U and currently A.U that owes its origin from this earliest organ of African unity.

v. African nationalism united African ethnic groups through the formation of political movement to the formation of modern Africa n nations under single government.

vi. It dismantled the evils of European capitalism from Africa n soil during the early years of national independence.

vii. It was pro- Africa n culture. All political movements which began sought Africa ns to be able to govern themselves and carry out their daily activities according to their own needs under Africa n leadership.

viii. It taught the Africans that the efforts to liberate themselves lay within their hands and that Europeans only valued their own interests.
