KINDOROKO Girls’ Past papers Pre Mock Exam Form Two 2024

Current problems facing teaching profession in Tanzania

1. Low status accorded to teachers; findings show that being under value is the most often mentioned complained among the teachers. This problem exists in developing countries and it is very demoralized. 

Eg in Tanzania the teaching profession is accorded a very low status compared to professions like medicine, law, and so forth. 

Causes for this can be poverty and under funding problems – low salaries and poor living conditions. Living condition doesn’t promising.

Factors that contribute to low status:

a. Low salary,

b. Poor working condition – insufficiency working instrument,

c. Teachers’ conducts and practices. Teachers themselves make their profession low status.

2. Loss of respect for teachers; as the country continues to become capitalist and people (i.e. parents/guardians) continue to become rich, the teaching profession loses its status. 

Being compared between parents and teachers, students misbehave because they feel superior. 

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