The Mau Mau movement was a nationalist and anti-colonial rebellion that took place in Kenya during the 1950s. 

The movement was established by the freedom fighters who wanted to attain independence from the British. Its leaders were Waruhiu Itote who was also called General China, an ex – soldier from world war II, Jonathan Okwiriri and Dedan Kimathi. Other participants in the war were Kikuyu and wage labourers.


Killing all Europeans and their Africa n collaborators in order to stop the exploitation and oppression

1. To attain majority rule

2. To speed up writing of constitution

3. To get equal rights with the white men

4. To stop land alienation

5. Africans representation in the legislative council. E.g. in 1944, it was only Eliud Mathu who was the member of the legislative council. By 1948 African legislative members were increased to four but they were not sufficient.

Causes of Maumau war

1. Land alienation. The British government in Kenya took Africa n fertile land and gave settlers for production of cash crops. Africa ns started the war as the way to bring back their land by force.

2. The banning of political parties. In 1952, the British government banned KAU which was only political party. This implied the end of using peaceful means in demanding for independence. Hence Africa ns has to start Maumau war as the last resort.

3. Destruction of African culture. European did not respect Africa n tradition and customs such as polygamy and circumcision. Hence Africa ns has to fight to maintain their dignity.

4. Lack of employment opportunities. The African especially the ex-service men, ex-soldiers and extremist group lacked employment and job opportunities. This bad life situation made them wage war.

5. Denial for basic human rights. Africans were not given their basic rights such as freedom of speech and the right to join assemblies and associations. Hence, Africans decided to fight for their rights. 

6. Taxation. Africans were taxed and those who failed to pay tax were highly punished by the state. Hence Africa n fought against oppression actions over the people e.g. Kipande system.

7. Poor social services to Africa ns. Africa ns suffered with poor transport and communication services. Therefore, Africa ns decided to fight for their rights.

8. The challenge from WW II. The ex-soldiers from the second world war, came with a new experience that, Europeans were not superior and abnormal as some Africa n thought. They encouraged their fellow Africa ns to fight against the white.
