Methods Salt Making in Africa and Importance


Methods of obtaining and processing salt

Salt was very important commodity in human life. Salt was mainly used as food ingredient and preservative for perishable food stuffs. The use of this technology enabled man to keep food for a long period of time.

Methods of obtaining and processing salt

1. Boiling and evaporation. Under this method, as spring water boil underneath the earth’s surface, they do evaporate and spill over the land surface, they cool to form salt crystals. This was commonly practiced in Uvinza, Shinyanga and also among the Venda people.

2. Mining of salt bearing rocks. Rocks containing slat were dug out and the salt crystals were used. In here the rocks containing salt were identified and are dug out, it is probably the most commonly used method of obtaining and processing of salt. It was practiced at Kesese, Bilma, Taghaza and Katwe.

3. Through burning Salty plants. Salt was obtained from the weeds growing in marshy areas, gathered, dried and burnt to ashes. The ashes were then collected, filtered/sieved and the liquid was boiled to evaporate, the residue was used as salt. It was used by the Manganja people along lake Nyasa in present day Malawi.

4. Trapping sea water. Along the coastal regions, salty waters where trapped into pans and left to evaporate by the heat of the sun. the crystals that did remain behind after the evaporation of the salty water were then used as salt. This was very common in Bagamoyo Tangan

Importance of salt making

1. It is used as useful ingredient in cookery. It makes the food tasty.

2. Was used as food preservative to the perishable foods making them to last longer. Example: Ancient Egyptians preserved food and exchanged it with the middle east.

3. Salt had medicinal uses. It healed wounds and treat stomach pains.

4. In Egypt it was used during mummification. 70 mummify is preserve dead body by treating it with special substances and wrapping it in a cloth.

5. Used as medium of exchange and measure of wealth. Example among the nomads of Danakil plains in Ethiopia.

6. Animal hides were cured using salt before being used to make clothing.
