The Europeans used various ways to establish themselves in Africa as colonialists. Some of the ways go as far back as the time of scrambling for Africa. Others during the consolidation of colonialism. The ways which were used included;

1. The use of Berlin conference; the primary territorial boundaries of Africa were set by the Berlin conference and accomplished (ended) by the European scramble for Africa.

2. Collaboration (alliance) with African indigenous authorities was also used by Europeans so as to seek the acceptance in Africa’s territories. E.g. in Msovero Tanganyika, Laikipia Kenya etc.

3. Intimidations (threats) were also applicable in the areas where Africans seemed to be a bit tough in accepting European proposed. This involved military exercise or conquering the neighboring tough states. Intimidiation was applicable in areas like the East African coastal strip where the Germans threatened the sultan of Zanzibar, in West Africa by the British against the Opobo state in Nigeria. It was also referred to as the gun-boat.

4. Military conquest; it was applicable in the areas where the Africans totally rebuked the European entrance to their areas. Military conquest existed in many places throughout Africa.

5. The divide and rule techniques were applied by Europeans in Africa in areas which African states developed strong bonds, the Europeans increased enmity between Africa E.g.  In Ethiopia, the Italians tried to establish enmity between North and south kingdom. The British implanted hostility between Bunyoro and Buganda in Uganda.

6. The use of ideological tools such as colonial education and religion also prepared a long term acceptance of Europeans in Africa.

7. The use of long term methods such as colonial economy principles also changed the African economic culture and set them to the European economics, this prepared a firm foundation of colonialism in Africa.

8. The use of agents of colonialism. Among the ways used to impose colonial rule in Africa was through the use of agents of colonialism. These agents were the missionaries, the explorers, the traders and the colony mongers. They paved a way for European colonialism in Africa through their activities.
