Nationalism of Tanganyika started in 1920 whereby social association, trade unions and cooperatives movement took place. Decolonization in Tanganyika was conducted through constitutional methods or peaceful means. 

Up to 1930’s the only type of movement which had political agenda was the formation of welfare association, such as the Tanganyika territory African civil servant association (TTACSA) and Tanganyika African association (TAA). Under TTACSA people of different religion, education and ethnic background were brought together as one united society. 

After the association had shifted from Tanga to Dar es Salaam some of its members founded the Tanganyika Africa n association (TAA) by 1929. The first chairman of TAA was Cecil Matola, vice Ramadhani Ali and secretary was Kleist Sykes Platan. TAA created the room for the formation of Tanganyika African national union (TANU) in 1954. The 17 TAA delegates met to discuss and pass the constitution which formed TANU by 7/7/1954. TANU spread to all areas in Tanganyika and became popular among Tanganyikans.



In 1929, Tanganyika territory African civil servant association (TTACSA) was renamed as African Association (AA) under the leadership of Dr. Kyarazir. In 1948 (AA) was renamed Tanganyika African association (TAA). TAA assured the nationalist structure by the early 1950’s. It had branches in nine centre including Zanzibar. In Zanzibar it was called Zenj African association (ZAA)


Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere became the member of TAA in 1953. TAA was transformed into a new political party called Tanganyika African national union (TANU) in the official meeting in Dar es Salaam on 7th July 1954. The meeting included representatives from all branches. J.K. Nyerere was elected as the new president of TANU. Branches of TAA and its members became the property of TANU.

TTACSA (1922); AA (1929); TAA (1948); ZAA (1950’S); TANU (1954)

Aims of TANU

The major aim was to struggle to achieve Africa n majority government and independence.

i. To destroy tribalism and develop national unity of the whole people of Tanganyika.

ii. To struggle for a democratic government and to have representative in local district and central government.

iii. To oppose the government in land alienation policies, and the entry of more settler in Tanganyika.

iv. To encourage the people to join cooperative unions to struggle for their rights.

v. To cooperate other nationalistic parties on Africa n in order to demand for their independence. Also works with un to press its demands.


i. Vatness of the country. Tanganyika is a large country. Hence it was difficult to go around and convince people to establish branches and coordinate the support of members.

ii. The strong opposition from colonial government. The colonial government prevented the civil servants from joining the TANU e.g. the British government banned TANU activities in Morogoro, Iringa and Kondoa districts. In 1958 the ban had been extended to eleven districts.

iii. Shortage of money. The party was made of members who had low income. It was not easy for them to finance the party activities during struggle for independence.

iv. Religious prohibition. The church missionary society was also opposed to political parties. Christians were not allowed to join political parties. They were urged to give Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser.

v. Opposition from other political parties. The strongest opposition came from united Tanganyika party (UTP) formed by chiefs and European in 1958. Its aim was to make sure that Tanganyika remain under colonial dominations. Another opposition party was all Muslim National Union of Tanganyika (AMNUT) formed in 1959. 

It aimed at delaying independence of Tanganyika until all Muslims attained greater level of education. In January 1958, TANU hold a conference in Tabora and its members agreed to take part in elections. In the general election in 1958, TANU sponsored candidates who won elections while UTP members were totally defeated. In the same conference some TANU members divided to form their own party known as Africa n National Congress (ANC) led by Zuberi Mtemvu. 

The party was not in focus. TANU moderate policies, but this party ceased to exist as it was seriously defeated in 1961 presidential election. 


vi. The misinterpretation of Nyerere’s speech. The British colonial government wrongly interpreted Nyerere’s speech when addressing UNO in 1956. The government said, the speech showed self-glorification of Nyerere. Hence colonial government rejected Nyerere as representative and spokesman of all Tanganyika

vii. Nominating Nyerere in LEGCO. NYERERE was appointed as the member of legislative council in July 1957. this was meant to discourage his efforts in spreading TANU’S demand. After a short time, he decided to quit from the legislative council.

viii. An attempt to imprison Nyerere. After Tabora conference in January 1958, the British government regarded Nyerere and TANU followers as enemies. In 1959 Nyerere was accused to have abused the colonial government. Hence the court sentenced him to pay. He was able to pay due to contributions made by tan and sympathizers, Nyerere was realized after paying the fine.

ix. Lack of adequate transport and communication networks.

x. Lack of education among many Africa n i.e. Tanganyikans 
