Nationalism in Zanzibar mainly started in the mid-1950. Before this time, there were various associations demanding for the rights of various groups of people living in the island as follows: 

The Arab Association (AA). It was formed by the largest established families in Zanzibar. It was formed against British because the members were fighting for competition for the former Arab slave owners who were affected by the abolition of slave trade.

The shiraz association (AA). It was formed in Pemba in 1939 and later it spread its activities into Zanzibar. It aimed at favouring the interest of African indigenous population like the Hadimu, Tumbatu, and Pemba.

The Indian association (IA). It was created early 1910’s the aim was to fight for the interest of Indians commercial and financial concerns.

The African association (AA). It was founded in 1934, by many Africans who affiliated it with Tanganyika African association. The association demanded ending of the Arab rule, promotion of African participation in the legislative council, removal of discrimination in schools and setting of commerce and other economic facilities to the African race.


The political parties formed, were based on races

ZNP (Zanzibar National Party)

It was formed out of the Arab association, under the leadership of S.A Muhisin Barwani in December 1955. The party demanded multi-racial Zanzibar common election and independence. It served the interest of minority Arabs who wanted to dominate Africans after independence

A.S.P (Afro – Shiraz Party)

It was the second political party. It was formed out of union of African association and shiraz association in 1957. It was led by sheikh Abeid Aman Karume and sheikh Thabit Kombo who was a general secretary. The union was to create unity against Arabs and attaining of independence in the hands of Africans.

Z.P.P.P (Zanzibar and Pemba People’s Party)

It was formed by the shiraz racial groups which had conflicts with Africans of mainland. It was led by Sheikh Mohammed Shamte and Musa from Pemba together with Tojo from Zanzibar. The party had also got a greater support from Pemba Shirazi Association.

The UMMA party

It was formed in 1963. A party was created as a cut from ZNP under the leadership of Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu. Babu was not comfortable with racialist policies and ideology of ZNP. Therefore, the elections of July 1963 made the British to handover the independence to the coalition of ZNP and Z.P.P.P on 10th December 1963. This situation did not please the African and A.S.P members, because it was the independence of few Arabs. In this case A.S.P members prepared a revolution which happened one month after the independence celebrations.


Zanzibar revolution is a complete overthrow of the Arabs government by the Africa ns who were subjected to it.


The revolution was organized by Africans who belonged to ASP under Abeid Aman Karume with the support of the UMMA Party led by Abdulrahman Babu on 12th January 1964. The group of armed people who physically took part in the revolution was led by John Okello from Lango tribe in Uganda. He had been in Zanzibar since 1959 and becomes the secretary of the ASP youth wing in pemba two years later.

The group attacked the new government which was led by Sultan Jamshid Bin Khalifa as the head of the state and Mohamed Shamte as the chief minister by surprise. The sultan escaped in the yacht to Mombasa and many of the officials were killed and others were taken as captives. Shamte went into exile in Arabia. The revolution was successful on Sunday morning on January 12th 1964. Then the revolutionary government was set up with Abeid Aman Karume as the president, Kassim Fanga became the vice president, Babu and other ASP leaders became the ministers of the new government.

Aims of Zanzibar revolution

To adjust the social and economic inequalities between the Africa n majority and the few Arabs.

To remove the sultanate domination over the Africa ns in Zanzibar.

To eradicate the British colonial interest and destroy capitalism in Zanzibar.

To bring about socialism in which there could not be exploitation of one man by another.

Causes of Zanzibar revolution

1. The historical difference. Africans were humiliated being sold and downgraded by Arabs during slave trade. This made Arabs to feel superior that, they believe that they can lead Africans forever. Africans were fed up and need their independence. Hence thsis led to the rise of Zanzibar revolution.

2. Antagonistic ideologies of the political parties. By 1957 some political parties were favouring the Arabs interest i.e. ZNP and ZPPP while ASP and UMMA party were favouring the interest of Africans. These different ideologies made Africans to react against Arabs government. 

3. The dictatorship of sultan government. On 6th January 1964, the government issued an order to ban the UMMA party and confiscated it properties. In this case, the party had to join ASP to overthrow the government with desire to protect right of Africans.

4. Land alienation. When Arabs arrived in Zanzibar, they took large fertile land which was owned by Africans. They established clove and coconut plantations. Africans remained landless providing labour in difficult conditions. Revolution was a means to return back their land.

5. Africans were discriminated by Arabs. The government did not treat the Africans and Arabs equally. Most of the good jobs in the government were in the hands of Arabs. The government did not plan to provide social services such education, health and housing to Africans. These made Africans to react against the Arab government.

6. The need to control trade. Foreigners, monopolized the commercial life in Zanzibar. Hence commerce state and civil service affairs were controlled by foreigners, especially Arabs. 

7. British favour to Arabs. The British left the Arabs to administer key sectors. Africa ns were not given any position in the government. Arabs dominated the government.

8. Low payment and poor making condition. The Africa ns were paid low wages because of their social position. Although jobs were done by Africa ns who were highly mistreated. 


1. Provision of land. The revolutionary, nationalized the Arabs plantations and distributed to the Africans to grow crops and build houses.

2. Provision of education. The government-built schools, colleges to provide education freely to the university level. Thus, Africans had access to education.

3. Government leadership opportunities. The government took steps to promote Africans participation on the government e.g. today the lead of the revolution government is an Africa n e.g. Aman Abeid Karume.

4. The government build houses and provided them to Africans. This was meant to provide quality houses to the people who lived in poor house. E.g. houses were built at Kilamani, Michenzani, Kikwajuni, Judrika Konde, Madugu Chakets, etc and given freely to Africans.

5. Acquisition of citizenship. After the revolution people returned their citizenship of Zanzibar.

6. The government brought ships and improved infrastructure. For example, MV Mapinduzi, MV Maendeleo for provision of transport to people. Also, the government constructed roads in order to improve means of communication in Zanzibar.
