It was the colonial provision of housing service to both the native and immigrant race in Africa. Good housing was aimed at ensuring good health to Europe’s and the natives.
Provision of good settler’s settlement to the colonial administration so as to facilitate colonial control.
Provision of houses to the natives laborers so as to facilitate colonial production e.g. Migrant labor.
To prevent diseases which could occur as a result of poor housing e.g. Respiratory diseases?
To provide a market for European building materials e.g. the iron sheets, cement etc.
To transform the natives (Africans) ways of building houses such that in the long run they were to be objects of Europeans building technology and material.
To facilitate settler and plantation production by camping labor force near the production areas.
Manifestation of racial segregation; Colonial housing promoted the creation of special residential areas for Europeans UZUNGUNI, Asian residential areas UHINDINI and African residential areas USWAHILINI. These examples have been taken from colonial Tanganyika.
Poor housing for the natives: The natives lived either in the congested small hunts e.g. Mabatini or in slums e.g. In Kenya. There were good houses for the whites through.
Good houses of the whites: The European residential areas were found in the low density areas with bigger houses, enough spares for playing field, good sanitation etc.
Hut taxes: The natives were required to pay hut taxes in some colonies e.g. In Kenya. This was because the colonial land upon which the natives built their houses belonged to the colonial government.
Establishment of streets: Colonial houses were built along streets. This made the address of each residence to be known by the government.
Monitoring: The houses construction was monitored by the particular urban council. The laws were established so as to handle the building.