Past Papers Form Two Joint Exam Midterm Kaliua 2024 with Marking Schemes


All these recommended areas have the following importance: (Aims of recommended areas) to Empowerment for the teaching profession

1. Laxity (sloppiness) in working environment;

2. Little professional support for teachers;

3. Improper conducts and evident/open misconducts at work place;

4. Poor performance against expectations or anticipant.

1. Stabilizing/stability of training duration and probation; according to different education stakeholders, the training for teachers as profession should not be below two years. 

Eg. clash program in 2003 – teachers were trained for only two weeks. Probation period is very important before someone is given permanent contract – it should be less than one year. Probation period by definition is the process of testing and observing the character or ability or competence of a person.

2. Formulation of a code of professional conducts and ethics; despite the fact that few professions have codes of professional conducts for their members, findings show that not all vocational occupations enjoy documented ethical code of conducts to guide and channel work performance and personal behaviours of workers. 

For any vocation to be a profession there must be a code of conducts and ethics. It highly therefore recommended that in all higher institutions which produce workers and professionals should incorporate a course or program which provides studies on ethic and professional code of conducts.