Past Papers Form Two Monthly Test March 2024 Markaz Islamic Seminary

Why teaching morality?

Why teaching morality? Does one need to be taught morality in order to be moral?

Idea to this question is no human being is born with moral values; and since morality is a human quality which is associated with human being as a social being, hence every individual needs to be taught morality. 

Jean - Jacque Rousseau says children are born innocent and clean but are polluted by society. Sometimes moral values are acquired in the course of lived experience.

“Experience is the best teacher”.

The moral character and nature of teaching: is teaching a moral undertaking?

Scholarly views

Teaching as a moral undertaking

In scholarly view teaching has a long history and honorable tradition of ethical behaviors.

Socrates for example was concerned with moral characters as the end or goal of teaching. He claimed that virtue is knowledge and his argument was that all that what we need to know, in order to be good, is to know what is good. 

Teachers’ conducts have been considered as a moral matter or mission. Therefore teaching or education is a moral activity and thus a moral undertaking.

Within the scholarly view, there are other views regarding teaching and moral undertaking:

1. It is argued that values are an integral part of teaching reflected in what is taught

Download Past Papers Form Two Monthly Test March 2024 Markaz Islamic Seminary