Past Papers Joint Exam Form Two Ifakara Town 2024

Professional code of conduct is a set of rules and specified circumstance that become standard for all who participate in a group or in a particular profession and represent them outside the group. 

A code of conduct may sometimes refers to a code of practice meaning that a set of guidelines issued by official body to its members to help them comply and conform ethical standards and rules of that profession. 

Therefore ethical standard = a set of moral principles; code of ethics = a written set guidelines issued by an organization to its workers and management to help them conduct their actions and conducts in accordance with the organizational core values in ethical standard; ethics = the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conducts. 

Examples of practices that are advocated in schools for teacher to do :

a. To speak and act towards students with respect and dignity;

b. To be mindful with students’ individual rights and feelings;

c. To respect the confidential nature of information regarding different academic issues;

d. To know that a privilege relationship with students exist;

e. To direct any criticism of the teaching performance of collage to that collage directly; and

f. To adhere to all the institutions rules and regulations.

3. Formation of self regulated teachers association; the government should establish or institute self regulated teachers’ associations like TTU (Tanzania Teachers’ Union),

THTU (Tanzania Higher Learning Institute Trade Union), RAAWU (Research Academicians and Allied Workers Union). 

Through these associations, members get educated through seminars, short courses, workshops, conference, etc.

Download Past Papers Form Two Joint Exam Ifakara Town 2024