Problems Hindering Development in Africa after Independenc

Development refers to a progressive change from worse to a better stage. A country is said to be developed economically, socially and politically only if the citizen’s standard of living is better, their income per capita is high, and there is the growth of democracy and others. The following are among of the major factors hindering development in Africa after independence.

1. Tribalism. Disunity based on Nepotism.

2. Regional imbalances (uneven development)

3. Poverty at the individual and national levels.

4. Illiteracy. Shortage of proper formal education.

5. Diseases such as Malaria and other pandemics such as Ebola, HIV/AID, Ebola etc.

6. Single party system. It hindered democracy for many years.

7. Religious differences leading to intolerance and Terrorist actions.

8. Political instabilities accompanied by civil wars and other disputes.

9. Inter territorial boundary disputes such as the conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia, Tanzania and Malawi, Kenya and Uganda.

10. Military coups to overthrow the governments.

11. Neo-colonialism. African still experience domination from developed states.

12. Corruption and embezzlement.

13. Refugee’s crisis.
