In 1904, the Herero and Nama people of South-West Africa rose up against the German colonisers in a war of rebellion. 

The native’s backward military technology against Germans advanced war technology with the advanced military techniques. This made the Africans weak in the battle field.

Lack of unity: Although they shared the same enemy (foe), the Nama, Herero and     Ovambo didn’t join their efforts (armies) against German. They fought while divided (separated).

Lack of adequate preparation: They went to fright without having thorough military preparation (proper preparation). This also cost them.

German scorch military tactics: The Germans scorched African villages and destroyed food storage areas and other properties. This made the Africans weak before the Germans.

Ignorance: The native fighters were overconfident; they were ignorant of the Germans military mighty. This made them not well prepared practically.

Poor organization: The native leaders made the Africans trust them and their black magic (witchcrafteness) against the German soldiers. They applies the layman approach instead of scientific approach in handling German forces.

Impact of colonial economy: The land alienation made Africans live in new area in which they could not organized themselves in a proper way. The forced labor also made some Africans adopt a new way life and abandon the responsibility of African men as natural soldiers.
