These were the European evangelists who came to spread Christianity in Africa. They were referred to as the agents of colonialism because through their activities, they paved ways for colonialism. The missionaries were brought to Africa by the missionary (Christian) institutions such as the UMCA “University Mission for Central Africa” The CMS “Church Missionary Society” from England, the LMS “London Missionary Society” the Holy Ghost, the White Fathers etc.

The permanent Europeans who came to Africa as Missionary volunteers included Bishop Tozer, John Rebman, Rd., David Livingstone and others; they were sent by “CMS” others were Ludwig krapf sent by Germans. These worked in East Africa.


Signing of treaties

The missionaries prepared African chiefs to sign bogus treaties with the explorers. For example in Matebele land, Charles Rudd on behalf of the British signed a bogus treaty with Lobengula Mzilikazi in Zimbabwe. Bishop John Moffat convinced Lobengula to sign a treaty with Charles Rudd the explorer in 1888.

They prepared the social services which served the Africans and Europeans during the colonial period. They established social services such as schools, hospitals and medical centers.

Exploration; they also explored the parts of Africa and prepared maps and information portraying the wealth of Africa interior.

They influenced many Europeans to scramble E.g. Dr. Livingstone.

Spreading Christianity. The Africans who accepted Christianity were baptized and humbled before the Europeans. This made colonialism of Africa easy.


Introduction of cash crop economy. The missionaries established various agricultural activities in Africa. They brought the cash crops such as groundnuts in Senegal, cotton in Africa (Uganda), cocoa in Ghana and Ivory Coast and so on. They also collected raw material from Africa.

Infrastructures: In most cases the missionaries happened to be the primary Europeans to establish various infrastructures such as roads. These attracted the Europeans to the interior of Africa.

Abolition of slave trade. The missionaries campaigned for the abolition of slave trade. They also cared for the slaves, e.g. the Holy Ghost fathers who in 1868 established a Centre for free slaves in Bagamoyo, CMS in 1875 established a center in Mombasa.

Translation of the Bible into local languages E.g. Bishop John Steer who translated the English Bible to Swahili between 1840 & 1870 also John Krapf did the same.
