Uses of Fire during the Middle Stone Age

Discovery of Fire

It was during the middle stone age when creature known as Homo-erectus discovered fire.  This is notable improvement (discovery) that changed his life and enabled man to master (control well) the environment / nature.

Advantages of the invention and use of fire

1. Fire was useful during cold seasons, they used fire to warm their bodies.

2. Man use fire to cook Man used to roast meat instead of eating raw-meat.

3. Fire was used by man to defend himself from the wild dangerous animals.

4. Fire was used for hunting animals

5. Fire was used for felling big trees for fire wood.

6. Fire was used to preserve perishable food such as meat through roasting.

7. Some was used for communication.

8. Fire enabled man to live in cold areas

9. Man increased his ability to master his environment.


Fire and technological improvement made man more adaptable to the environmental. The discovery of fire destroyed important vegetation when it was for burning grasses and felling big trees.
