Utumishi Digital Interview System (AOTS)

The Employment Secretariat (Utumishi) has launched a digital interview system (AOTS) that will enable the applicant to be interviewed at his location instead of traveling a long distance, to reduce costs for the Government and the interviewees.

The Minister of State, Office of the President, Public Service Management and Good Governance, George Simbachawene Simbachawene has said that the issue of employment is the life of the people, so the process should be governed by transparency and integrity in order to remove complaints from those who are looking for employment in the government.

AOTS will reduce cost of traveling long distances to the interview center, spending a lot of time, and then at the end of the day they are unemployed.

“You find a person traveling from Lindi to Dodoma for an interview, sometimes he arrives without even knowing where he will get to, the fare itself is borrowed and then he arrives and has to spend three days for the interview. You find even his psychology is not good, but with this system it will help reduce the costs that initially caused many fail to go to the interview centers,” said Simbachawene.

Officially, the system launched on April 6 of this year.

