What is Archaeology? Functions of Archaeology


Dr Louis Leakey

Archaeology is the learning about the past by digging up (excavating) and studying objects found in the ground.


Archaeology is the study of past remains through excavation process.


Archaeology may also be defined as the study of past people and cultures through their material remains. 

These remains may include buildings and artefacts such as tools, weapons, pottery, clothing and jewelry (Tennessee World History).

The study of all these material remains help the archaeologists to draw conclusion about the beliefs, values and activities of our ancestors. 

 The experts who study and explain the remains of early or ancient human beings are called, Archaeologists.

The best-known archaeologists in East Africa are, Dr. Louis Leakey and his wife Mary Leakey, Dr. Merrick Posnansky , Dr. Neville Chittick and J.S. Kirkman.

E.g Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey worked hard in their researches Olduvai Gorge in Northen Tanzania and in 1959 they discovered the skull of Zinjanthropus.  

Dr Louis Leakey and his wife excavating at Olduvai Gorge. 

 Olduvai Gorge

A place where past remains have been discovered is referred to as Archaeological Site.

Archaeology involves the use of Carbon-14 dating method. Carbon-14 is a scientific method of dating past organic objects (animal and plant remains) Or Carbon-14 is the scientific method which is used to determine the age of fossils aged beyond 5000 years ago. 

NB. As it has been argued in the previous source of historical information, All Archaeological sites are automatically historical sites but not all historical sites are archaeological sites.

Functions of Archaeology.

1. Archaeological methods are used to date materials from the past.

2. To determine the level of past development.

3. To determine past human activities.

4. To identify cultural practices of the past societies.

5. To motivate further investigation on the historical set ups of man.

6. To compliment other sources of history.
