What is Historical Sites & Functions of Historical Sites

Historical sites

These are special areas where remains that help to trace the physical development of man, his behaviour and level of technology can be found.


Are special places which show the past remains.

Or simply Historical sites can be defined as areas which have remains of the past physical development of man.

These are places where man used to live or conduct his activities and so they may contain very ancient remains.

Historical sites include remains such as buildings, ruins, caves, forests and areas where archaeological remains have been found.

NB. All archaeological sites are automatically historical sites but not all historical sites are archaeological sites.

Examples of Historical sites are:

1) Tanzania, (Isimila, Olduvai Gorge, Kondoa Irangi, Bagamoyo, Kilwa, Kalambo, Zanzibar, Mafia, Uvinza, Engaruka, and Kagera.

2) Uganda, (Nsongezi, Biggo, Ntubi, Magosi, Mtusi and Lolui

3) Fort Ternan, Gilgil, Gambles cave, Mombasa, Rusinga Island, Lamu, Lake Rudolf (lake Turkana), lake Naivasha, Njoro, Ororgosailie, lake Magadi.

