What is Linguistics as a Source of History

Meaning of Linguistics, Functions, Advantages & Limitations


Is the scientific study and analysis of language. It includes the study of sound, structure, information and relationship between various language groups.

The one who studies and analyses language scientifically is called a Linguist.

Linguists study the origin, groups and development of various languages and language groups.

The scientific study of language includes sound, structure, information and relationship between various language groups.

Linguistics can tell us when and how certain language came into existence as well as Migratory movement and settlement of people.

The linguistic studies can enable historians to get information of relation of various groups of people and their languages. 

Advantages of linguistics

i. Is the scientific study of language.

ii. It helps to get information from various sources.

iii. Enable to discover the links between different people

iv. Helps to determine dates of historical events e.g. “Aluta continua” (the period of struggle for independence in Mozambique).

v. It facilitates a better understanding of communities. People with a common language may have a common origin.

Limitations of linguistics

i. It consumes time and finance learning a particular language for so long.

ii. Through translation one can omit some important information.

iii. The parent language maybe corrupted by borrowing words from various languages.
