Why Ethiopia Was Not Colonized



Ethiopia was officially recognized as an independent state in 1896, after decisively defeating invading Italian forces at the Battle of Adwa.

National unity. The Ethiopians were united by their common languages of Amharic and Oromo. This made them fight together against Italian.

Diplomatic relations with Europe. The friendship between Ethiopia and Europe made Europeans find themselves in a dilemma on which of the contradicting sides they should support. Also, the Ethiopians had accumulated modern weapons from Europe which were used against Italians along with traditional weapons.

Ethiopia’s economic remoteness. Ethiopia lacked many economic “attractive” potentialities which made other Europeans not to be so willing to support them basing on the fact that, they won’t get much benefit from Ethiopia.

Italy’s infant army. The Italian army was regrouped in 1870. It was not as experienced as the Ethiopian army which was fighting at home and outnumbered the Italians.

Topography. The Ethiopian mountainous landform favored the home fighters who were used to the Ethiopian landforms.

Adwa safeguard. Adwa, which was the capital of Menelik II, was well protected by well trained Ethiopian fighters. The Italians failed to penetrate the Ethiopian capital hence failed to control Ethiopia.

Menelik II’ governmental organization. The divisions of labour, the political structure from the top to the bottom made Ethiopians united to fight against the Italians. Menelik II was considered to be God’s messenger who received much respect from the entire community.

Italians failure in persuading /asking for external support. This made them fight with a weak support from Ras Mangasha and African fighters from other Italian colonies such as Somalia.

NOTE. In 1935, Italians under Benito Mussolini fought against Ethiopian for about five years up to 1939. The outbreak of WWII weakened Italian Army in Ethiopia. The Italians didn’t do well in WWII and they failed again to control Ethiopia.

These reasons made Ethiopia remain not colonized entirely. The Italians managed to colonize Italy Somali land and Libya.
