Why Tanzania withdrew from COMESA



On the 2nd July 1999, Tanzania announced its decision of quitting from COMESA membership. This was due to the following {REASONS} facts.

1. Reduction of customs tariffs. 

COMESA’s proposal to reduce customs tariffs for member countries by 90%.

2. Uneven development level. 

It was unrealistic to expect the planned tariff arrangement to occur in October 2000 as envisaged. The development levels of member countries were too uneven.

3. National’s infant economy. 

Apart from the import tax, the country’s infant industry stood to be upset irreversibly. The manufacturing industry accounts for just over eight per cent of the GDP and has just started recovering from years of the former nationalization policy.

4. Our membership to many regional groups.

Tanzania was a party to too many regional trading organizations.  This means that Tanzania’s membership is extremely costly to sustain and Tanzania must rationalize her participation in such ventures. The membership fees, among other things, were too high to maintain.

5. Re-establishment of the East African Community.

Shortly after the re-birth of the East African Community (EAC), Tanzania decided to withdraw from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa {COMESA} in favor of the Southern African Development Community {SADC}.

6. Tanzania’s nationalism. 

Negotiators from Tanzania were said to have been preoccupied with safeguarding their national interests.

7. The absence of Economic sense. 

There was no need for having economic integration for the sake of being seen to work together while the integration does not make economic sense to Tanzanians.

8. The pressure and influence of South Africa. 
